In his latest gradational move to establish the executive branch as the sole governmental authority over our country, Obama has made it clear that Congress will have no voice to approve or disapprove the Iranian nuclear deal his administration has been working on.
Instead, our President will give the U.N. Security Council the power to yea or nea the authorization to give Iran the capability to build a nuclear bomb.
This highly treasonous move to supplant our legislative branch with the U.N. is yet another major step on America’s path to totalitarianism as led by the Obama regime.
The UN needs to leave the US and the US needs to stop all funding to the UN. Obama needs to back the hell up, STOP, sit down and shut up.
Total BS!
This is the generation that let the $#%&!@*’s takeover the country…….
Not really…depends on which sde you’re on…our cons$#%&!@*ution says we have not only a right, but a duty as well, to oust corrpt governments. Just saing…
Congress, get control an DC
And get Obama out of control, what ever it takes.
obama is not leaving the white house in 2017 thats you can bet on.
It’s time all you dumb$#%&!@* in DC wake up , impeach him before he comes for you and you disappear
Wake up America, Obama and his people have long ago DECLARED WAR against the American people and the American way. Its time to arrest, and Charge Obama, his staff, his Cabinet, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and all senior Federal Employees (who have ignored Federal Laws or $#%&!@*isted the Criminal actions of before mentioned) with TREASON, MURDER / GENOCIDE, FRAUD, BRIBERY and OTHERE HIGH CRIMES. Its time that True Law Enforcement Personal to do their Jobs, does not matter if your federal or local, its time to arrest the criminals who have destroyed laws of this land. Our Cons$#%&!@*ution is something that we live by, and all LEO’s have sworn to uphold and to Protect from all enemies foreign or DOMESTIC. Obama’s actions and lack of enforcement of laws, Close relationships with Terrorist shows enough proof that Mr. Obama and many of his people are DOMESTIC TERRORIST hell bent on destroying the U.S. Cons$#%&!@*ution and The United States Of America, THIS IS AN ACT OF WAR AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THE UNTIED STATES. Just know I am not a Republican either. If you love you life, stop being a shrew.
time for congressn to do thier job and empeach him while we have a country left