In his latest gradational move to establish the executive branch as the sole governmental authority over our country, Obama has made it clear that Congress will have no voice to approve or disapprove the Iranian nuclear deal his administration has been working on.
Instead, our President will give the U.N. Security Council the power to yea or nea the authorization to give Iran the capability to build a nuclear bomb.
This highly treasonous move to supplant our legislative branch with the U.N. is yet another major step on America’s path to totalitarianism as led by the Obama regime.
UN is as corrupt as our government.
$#%&!@* this guy
When will congress wake up and ARREST obama.
Obama needs to stay out of things the Emperor needs to be sent to an Island to no where or the lake of FIRE
He will then have the 3rd term that he seeks!
What is it going to take to arrest Obama for treason and exicute him?
America is sovereign.
U.N. has NO legal right anywhere.
It is a fiction.
And they still sit on their $#%&!@*…doing nothing….
Try your hand …better change that poker face..because the liars game isn’t working