Free-speech advocates, look out. Merkel of Germany is looking to reign in the internet. Of course, Mr. Obama is right by her side. By the way, what ever became of the liberals’ fierce defense of freedom of speech, no matter how offensive or vulgar? It seems to have gone the way of their former strong support for the anti-war movement. It’s getting difficult to define what these people are for other than globalism fueled by open immigration in the hope of gaining voters for their political parties. So much for their claim of being “idealists.”
Anyway, to learn what Mrs. Merkel has in mind for Germany as well as the rest of us, check out page two.
Remember “Freedom of speech”.
Sckanks! Censor that!
The German are growing.more pissed off at Merkel every day and I expect them to take matters into their own hands and kick her and that Muslim trash out of their country. I recommend tar and feathers my German friends.
I know some of the people on this social media site think some of the language might be a little strong. We have had “Politically Correct” forced down our throats for the last few decades and our country is a disaster. From PC to safe zones, to coloring books and therapy dogs for college students. Many of us are sick of seeing our country go down the toilet. We are becoming a nation of pathetic little cry babies who want to be taken care off. Maybe, just maybe it’s time we started telling it like it is. “Tough Love” as they used to say.
Obama is going after the social media, the liberal drive-by news is going after the social media. Telling the public they can’t trust the social media sites. It’s a little ironic, that 90% of the news outlets can tell you what they feel you should know whether it is the truth or not. But they attack you if you try to pass on the truth to your friends through social media. If these sites cave to the pressure from the liberals I can only hope that another means will be created. The only way the liberals can win is to control the flow of information.
Yes, there are some bad sites on social media. I’ve fallen victim to a few of them. But when it has been brought to my attention I’ve tried to correct it. It’s up to us to police the information you view. Not Obama, or the liberal news media. The battle against the liberals that are out to dominate how this country thinks is ongoing and will never stop. The silent majority stood up and said enough is enough, we want our country back. We cannot let up, the liberal news media is now on a continuous attack on Trump and anything conservative. They will not stop until they get their power back. Make sure the flow of truthful information gets to your friends. Try to be as accurate as you can. As for me, the words maybe a little stronger than you would like but we need to start telling it like it is. We are talking about the survival of Christianity and our country.
Screw them……take back internet naming control from the EU
We need protection from them!
Yep. First step in the communist playbook. Censorship of position media. Then next is disarm the citizenry. Then comes totalitarian rule.
she means to keep her ideas in place and block her opponents