Barack Obama is finally taking action after an attack on Dallas police officers last week left five dead. Bafflingly, he thinks it’s the police that need to change, not the supporters of Black Lives Matter who are calling for the murder of innocent white cops across the country.
In order to make this happen, Obama is forcing thousands of police districts to comply with rules he and nearly 30 radical-leftists have decided to enact. These rules come less than a week after Barack Obama himself met with what his official agenda simply called “activists.” While the White House seemed unwilling to identify who these “activists” were, the participants were happy to identify themselves. They were — of course — Black Lives Matter.
See why it’s being reported that Barack Obama has caved to the demands of his leftist allies and Black Lives Matter in the report on the next page:
yea shoot all thughs
Roberta Casey Zimmerman – copy/paste as you like, with my compliments.
Gail, did you know that obama and the democrates tryed to give the U.N. the right to disarm Americans, in 2013, look it up, united nation>press>sc11131.doc.htm. look at paragraph 11. The only thing that stopped it was republicans, by only 7 votes.
Hurry up November!
this is the$#%&!@*politics we get from a Ignorant GOVERNMENT,that wants complete control of the free people, they cry wolf,and then feed them the money weapons and supplies that fuels the terrorists Obama talks at the people but is talking to the terrorist. think we are wrong, just look at what is being imported from SYRIA they are using your money with out our permission to bring them here, because the government has no gold no silver and no hope to stop war.
Want to know why obama is how he is???here are DSM’s requirements (slightly condensed, and with minor bracketed amendments) for “earning” the unenviable diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance.
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
3. Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).
4. Requires excessive admiration [regularly fishes for compliments, and is highly susceptible to flattery].
5. Has a sense of entitlement.
6. Is interpersonally exploitative.
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling [or, I would add, unable] to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
9. Shows arrogant, haughty [rude and abusive] behaviors or attitudes.
So what’s left out here? Actually, as regards identifying descriptors, quite a bit. And I’ve no doubt that other therapists could add further to the six additional characteristics I’ll provide here—features that, although regrettably minimized or omitted from DSM, I‘ve routinely seen displayed by the many dysfunctional narcissists I’ve worked with. So, to enumerate them, such individuals:
1. Are highly reactive to criticism. Or anything they assume or interpret as negatively evaluating their personality or performance. This is why if they’re asked a question that might oblige them to admit some vulnerability, deficiency, or culpability, they’re apt to falsify the evidence (i.e., lie—yet without really acknowledging such prevarication to themselves), hastily change the subject, or respond as though they’d been asked something entirely different. Earlier for Psychology Today I wrote a post highlighting this supercharged sensitivity called “The Narcissist’s Dilemma: They Can Dish It Out, But . . . ”. And this aspect of their disturbance underscores that their ego—oversized, or rather artificially “inflated”—can hardly be viewed as strong or resilient. On the contrary, it’s very easily punctured. (And note here another related piece of mine, “Our Egos: Do They Need Strengthening—or Shrinking?”). What these characteristics suggest is that, at bottom and despite all their egotistic grandiosity, they…
2. …Have low self-esteem. This facet of their psyche is complicated, because superficially their self-regard would appear to be higher and more assured than just about anyone else’s. Additionally, given their customary “drivenness,” it’s not uncommon for them to rise to positions of power and influence, as well as amass a fortune (and see here my post “Narcissism: Why It’s So Rampant in Politics”). But if we examine what’s beneath the surface of such elevated social, political, or economic stature—or their accomplishments generally—what typically can be inferred is a degree of insecurity vastly beyond anything they might be willing to avow.
That is, in various ways they’re constantly driven to prove themselves, both to others and to their not-so-confident “inner child” self. This is the self-doubting, recessive part of their being that, though well hidden from sight, is nonetheless afflicted with feelings and fears of inferiority. Inasmuch as their elaborate defense system effectively wards off their having to face what their bravado masks, they’re highly skilled at exhibiting, or “posturing,” exceptionally high self-esteem. But their deeper insecurities are yet discernible in their so often fishing for compliments and their penchant for bragging and boasting about their (frequently exaggerated) achievements. That is, they’re experts at complimenting themselves! And when—despite all their self-aggrandizement— others are critical of them, they…
3. …Can be inordinately self-righteous and defensive. Needing so much to protect their overblown but fragile ego, their ever-vigilant defense system can be extraordinarily easy to set off. I’ve already mentioned how reactive they typically are to criticism, but in fact anything said or done that they perceive as questioning their competence can activate their robust self-protective mechanisms. Which is why so many non-narcissists I’ve worked with have shared how difficult it is to get through to them in situations of conflict. For in challenging circumstances it’s almost as though their very survival depends on being right or justified, whereas flat out (or humbly) admitting a mistake—or, for that matter, uttering the words “I’m sorry” for some transgression
Maybe if the President would refer to accurate crime statistics ~ well, as accurate as we can hope for considering his Department of “Justice” collects the data ~ and maybe if he could just once refrain from interjecting his own thinly-veiled racism into ongoing criminal investigations before all the facts are known, and maybe if he could bring himself to acknowledge that the conduct of alleged “victims” of police shootings has an important bearing on those shootings, then maybe the American people would have some respect for his rhetoric.
But personally I think the only solution to the myriad problems created during this Administration is a complete change in the Administration, including every single corrupt department.
What a fool!
I will be so glad when this dumb$#%&!@*is gone. We have had 16 years of a rotten President.
This is why we need trump!!