Can’t get enough info on clock boy? First, we must tell you the whole debacle of this anti-American family has reached new heights of nonsense. Second, if the following story was not absolutely true and is easily proved, you would not believe it, nor believe the latest in clock boys exploits.
Ahmed, the clock boy has returned from his tour of the Islamic theocracies ISIS prefers the most. Originally, his father an immigrant from the Sudan, migrated in the 1980’s, he drove taxi’s, delivered pizza’s and finally was able to own his own taxi company Jet Taxi.
The family is known as panderers, attempting in different ways to cash in on their anti-American claims, the whole race/terrorist card and finally succeeded with taking the guts out of a clock and putting it into a pencil box.
On their return, they were received at the White House, guests of Obama. So one would think this is the end of the clock boy hoax story. Wrong. So much has happened surrounding this nonsense, yet it seems to continue. And you won’t believe what else has happened to Ahmed, the clock boy.
more on clock boy’s celebrity next page
Your knowledge of history is PATHETIC!!! Lol
Yep you sheet heads made us that way by your own actions
Obama and this punk can occupy a jail cell or move to Qatar. Obama for treason. Punk kid for fraud in passing off a radio shack clock as his own.
This is so funny to me if there was ever a threat to America, “terrorist Islam” takes the back seat compared to stupid uneducated, unsophisticated Americans.
Yes I’ve run into many of them . They think they shouldn’t have to wait when your talking to store workers .they barge in on your reserved room for parties .they yell at my dog for no reason their just rued people
I only have to answer for me.We all will be judged out of the bible someday,not my place to do it.My job is to try and live it,and be a light to others.Am not trying to be holier than anybody,I need Gods grace like anyone else.This will be my last response,I will not argue,no point.
ARE YOU GETTING TIRED OF THIS GOVERNMENT AND THE WAY THEY ARE INGORING “THE PEOPLE”……………………………………………………………..Wake up America, Obama and his people have long ago DECLARED WAR against the American people and the American way. Its time to arrest, and Charge Obama, his staff, his Cabinet, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton Eric Holder and all senior Federal Employees (who have ignored Federal Laws or assisted the Criminal actions of before mentioned) with TREASON, MURDER / GENOCIDE, FRAUD, BRIBERY and OTHERE HIGH CRIMES. Its time that True Law Enforcement Personal to do their Jobs, does not matter if your federal or local, its time to arrest the criminals who have destroyed laws of this land. Our Constitution is something that we live by, and all LEO’s have sworn to uphold and to Protect from all enemies foreign or DOMESTIC. Obama’s actions and lack of enforcement of laws, Close relationships with Terrorist shows enough proof that Mr. Obama and many of his people are DOMESTIC TERRORIST hell bent on destroying the U.S. Constitution and The United States Of America, THIS IS AN ACT OF WAR AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THE UNTIED STATES. Just know I am not a Republican, Democrat, I am an American Veteran that has given half of my body to this country. If you love you life, stop being a shrew and stand up against the illegal actions. SHARE THIS IF YOU AGREE!!!
We are proud of it too
Well I guess I had better get my hood and prepare for a rally.