Can’t get enough info on clock boy? First, we must tell you the whole debacle of this anti-American family has reached new heights of nonsense. Second, if the following story was not absolutely true and is easily proved, you would not believe it, nor believe the latest in clock boys exploits.
Ahmed, the clock boy has returned from his tour of the Islamic theocracies ISIS prefers the most. Originally, his father an immigrant from the Sudan, migrated in the 1980’s, he drove taxi’s, delivered pizza’s and finally was able to own his own taxi company Jet Taxi.
The family is known as panderers, attempting in different ways to cash in on their anti-American claims, the whole race/terrorist card and finally succeeded with taking the guts out of a clock and putting it into a pencil box.
On their return, they were received at the White House, guests of Obama. So one would think this is the end of the clock boy hoax story. Wrong. So much has happened surrounding this nonsense, yet it seems to continue. And you won’t believe what else has happened to Ahmed, the clock boy.
more on clock boy’s celebrity next page
The only thing Islam had to do with the US is we built our navy and marines to deal with their pirates as paying taxes wasn’t enough for safe passage but when we came after they ran then and they will again. You can try to glorify them all you want that bird won’t fly in America Angel Toro if you love their way of life so much why are you here
All of you defending Muslims will do so until they hit someone close and then that will change your opinion!
Islam have always been terrorists and always will be of course if they push us to much they might not last long
Dylan Roof is not a terrorist.
Everything and everyone is racist in America. It is part of the Democratic Platform. Planned Parenthood is their strategy for Population Control. Climate Change is their strategy to take over the world.
Racist: A person who Believes That a Particular race is superior to another. – the ONLY true RACIST are the Muslim people. Their believed superiority give them the right to kill Americans. So who is the Racist?
Gpt to wondering that if a Christian boy had done the same thing would he have gotten the same level of attention or would he still be in jail or home suspension?
YEP, and proud of it, INCLUDING OBAMA.
No ma”m ihave a relationship with God,and He does not honor killing people.A true Christian would not do that.Sorry if you don’t believe it,just the truth.God,the real God,is love and mercy.
So everyone, including the Crusaders, in your opinion, were not “Christian”. Nor was Chris Kyle, etc..?