Can’t get enough info on clock boy? First, we must tell you the whole debacle of this anti-American family has reached new heights of nonsense. Second, if the following story was not absolutely true and is easily proved, you would not believe it, nor believe the latest in clock boys exploits.
Ahmed, the clock boy has returned from his tour of the Islamic theocracies ISIS prefers the most. Originally, his father an immigrant from the Sudan, migrated in the 1980’s, he drove taxi’s, delivered pizza’s and finally was able to own his own taxi company Jet Taxi.
The family is known as panderers, attempting in different ways to cash in on their anti-American claims, the whole race/terrorist card and finally succeeded with taking the guts out of a clock and putting it into a pencil box.
On their return, they were received at the White House, guests of Obama. So one would think this is the end of the clock boy hoax story. Wrong. So much has happened surrounding this nonsense, yet it seems to continue. And you won’t believe what else has happened to Ahmed, the clock boy.
more on clock boy’s celebrity next page
Another one of Obama’s set ups. He will do anything to scare people. Send all the muslins back home with a pig in the poke.
You keep begging for a new world order buddy, that’s what Hitlery is all about.
She’s a criminal. You are either totally libbed out, blind to what’s really going on or a government troll operative.
You like being oppressed? You want 0 rights? You want forced poison vaccinations? Police state?
That’s what Hitlery, O’muslim, their muslim run ATF, NSA, TSA and offshore corporate controlled government have in store for you.
I’ll keep my guns, I’ll keep my freedom, I’ll vote for Rand Paul, a libertarian. The whole democratic/ republican paradigm is f**e, they support the same NWO agenda.
The media is nothing more than a show, they are lying to you.
I hope you wake up man.
Oh, so the “i’m right, everyone else is wrong”
He’s right! I am anti Muslim! And dam proud of it!!
Did you take the boy into your bedroom and explain things, devil!
Look at the terrorist at work, as per pic
You bet we are anti muslims!
John Baker, muslim is not a race so you can’t be a racist. Check out the Bare Naked Islam and Sharia Unveiled to read about the big problems EVERY country is having with the barbarians.
Obama has mental problems.