Can’t get enough info on clock boy? First, we must tell you the whole debacle of this anti-American family has reached new heights of nonsense. Second, if the following story was not absolutely true and is easily proved, you would not believe it, nor believe the latest in clock boys exploits.
Ahmed, the clock boy has returned from his tour of the Islamic theocracies ISIS prefers the most. Originally, his father an immigrant from the Sudan, migrated in the 1980’s, he drove taxi’s, delivered pizza’s and finally was able to own his own taxi company Jet Taxi.
The family is known as panderers, attempting in different ways to cash in on their anti-American claims, the whole race/terrorist card and finally succeeded with taking the guts out of a clock and putting it into a pencil box.
On their return, they were received at the White House, guests of Obama. So one would think this is the end of the clock boy hoax story. Wrong. So much has happened surrounding this nonsense, yet it seems to continue. And you won’t believe what else has happened to Ahmed, the clock boy.
more on clock boy’s celebrity next page
Now it’s a fraud. Wow just wow
So Angel Toro you don’t disagree that Islam is out to destroy every religion and dominate the world?
No the
No,mine does not! We don’t kill you,if we cannot convert you,we just keep on praying for you.The person will stand before God for themselves.
Hmmm Dylan Roof…not a muslim. Definitely a terrorist. Also the Quran was written well before America, extremists will make up anything to fit their narrative.
Well its obvious you don’t know then do you
we love mexicans…Trump IS right. he loves mexicans too. Not illegal criminals. I don’t like them either. They leave a bad taste in your casket. we should do what mexicans do. Have a secure border on their south end of the country. Smart mexicans.
Do you think we are anti-muslim because of all americans that have been killed in terrorists attacks have been by muslims? I for one do not trust muslims terrorists and never will. I have lived in two muslim countries during my years in the foreign service with the Dept. of state. I met and worked with some great muslim people who were not terrorists.
Fk all Muslims
leave the USa you POS