Obama has taken a bite out of the first amendment by enacting the “Mass Shooting Bill”-a lame attempt pandering to those who are screeching about “do something” in regards to the latest school shooting in Oregon.
The bill which prohibits the media of naming the shooter of a mass shooting (over 4) blasts first amendment rights to free speech. No one of goodwill wants to see another mass shooting. And we know the impetus of this misguided move deals with the Oregon shooter’s writings that he wanted to be famous-as he referred to the shooter who murdered the reporter and her cameraman last month.
Yet, naming a shooter, is a free speech issue. What some do personally, who do not want to speak the name, is a personal decision. After the free speech issue, the question is will this bill deter those sick individuals who decide to do a mass shooting-to not do it?
more on mass shooting bill next page
This is to cover up for all of the Mohammed’s and Ahmed’s he is importing from the Middle East.
That’s ridiculous!
Dude! he took over the media right after he was sworn in on jis koran! told them ALL they DON’T report ANYTHING that doesn’t get the oky doky from them or they get NO more info from the G’ment.
Oh now he is in charge of the Media? The Obamas are control freaks and need to be put in their place and the White House is NOT where they belong.
Only 461 more days and he will be in the history books.
What an idiot
Congress needs to move on this right now, Obama will not go easy in 2016 and should be removed now and Obama needs to be censured as well the less he touches the better it is for us….
Isn’t that called freedom of speech? Freedom of the press? It would be more effective if they didn’t say your name.
If their names won’t be put out to the public for fame of killing so many then they will not be made famous for their dastardly deeds. Might just help to stop some of the senseless killings.
Next he will give them a metal