Obama has taken a bite out of the first amendment by enacting the “Mass Shooting Bill”-a lame attempt pandering to those who are screeching about “do something” in regards to the latest school shooting in Oregon.
The bill which prohibits the media of naming the shooter of a mass shooting (over 4) blasts first amendment rights to free speech. No one of goodwill wants to see another mass shooting. And we know the impetus of this misguided move deals with the Oregon shooter’s writings that he wanted to be famous-as he referred to the shooter who murdered the reporter and her cameraman last month.
Yet, naming a shooter, is a free speech issue. What some do personally, who do not want to speak the name, is a personal decision. After the free speech issue, the question is will this bill deter those sick individuals who decide to do a mass shooting-to not do it?
more on mass shooting bill next page
Obama is now a dictator!! No different than any other.
Just call all shooters “a Muslim”.
Arrest him on treason
Because they are Middle East names! Shame on you for destroying our freedom of speech. Unless of course they are white!
oh that is okay sooner or later the names will be out and we will know and post the names
Of course!!! He has to protect the 200,000 to 1,000,000 ISIS foot soldiers he is bringing in. HE KNOWS they will be raping women and children, and killing as many CHRISTIANS and other Americans as they possibly can, and he will be protecting what they are doing by not letting the public know who is doing it, and what is really going on. If we don’t know who the perpetrators are, how are we going to know if they have been caught or held responsible for their crimes? You can bet HE WILL NOT BE PROSECUTING THEM. I think it odd that his push for BANNING/CONFISCATING guns is also coinciding with his PLANNED invasion of TERRORISTS and no one is even talking about it. He is stepping on our Freedom of Speech and Freedom to Defend Ourselves to prepare for what’s coming. Sounds like he is getting ready for them to takeover. Don’t kid yourselves folks. This TRAITOR is as much a part of this organized and planned invasion of Europe, as he was the Muslim Brotherhoods Arab Spring. They were trying to go for their Caliphate throughout the Middle East, and now they are going for their Caliphate of the West before there can be a Presidential Election in Nov 2016.
So…..my question is why he is protecting the names of the perps? WHy would a president of the United States do that? (He is a dictator, and a Marxist, I understand why he is trying to censure the press.) The only reason I can even come up with, for protecting the shooters, is because they were working for him.
You guys know that George bush censured freedom of speech when he made it illegal to protest at military funerals right?
You guys want to let that happen again?
It could have been a decendant of my family.
THINK about it…He is bringing in 200,000 which will end up being more like 1,000,000 MUSLIM MEN. When they are killing Americans, how will you know if they are being arrested and prosecuted, if you don’t know who they are? THIS IS FOR THE PROTECTION OF HIS ISIS FOOT SOLDIERS HE IS BRINGING IN. They will not be worried about being held accountable for what they will be doing to Americans. ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANS. It is now proven that he has been supporting, funding, protecting, etc. ISIS while pretending to deal with them in the Middle East. He had our Fighters dropping bombs on an empty desert. THEY ARE HIS PAID MERCENARIES and there will be no America (as we know it) left by the time Nov 2016 rolls around.