When you listen to the things that come out of President Obama’s mouth, you can’t help but wonder if he really believes what he says or is just desperate to pander to the most absurd elements of his party’s base.
Take his recent remarks at a Democratic fundraiser in New York, for instance. Knowing that the success of the event depended on how willing the attendees were to open their wallets, Obama probably realized he had to hit all the talking points to make them do just that, reiterating the need to rally around the party and unite to defeat the GOP.
Noxious as these comments were, they were nothing compared to the whopper he dropped about that favorite pet cause of liberals, climate change. Doing his best to evoke the alarmist hysteria environmentalists regularly deploy to get others to cave into their agenda, the president claimed that we need to heed the wishes of the scientists and “majority of people” who want to address the issue or else – get this – Manhattan will end up underwater.
Learn more about Obama’s climate change remarks on the next page:
Fu oboma
the only climate change is gonna be his leaving the WH for good …..
Goodbye Manhattan
What he heck is this man smoking now??
(Revised list)
Virtually anyone can be a Democrat / Liberal. Just simply quit thinking all together and vote that way. But if you want to be a good Democrat / Liberal, there are some prerequisites you must have first. Compare the below and see how you rate.
1. You have to believe the Aids virus was spread by lack of federal funding.
2. You have to believe that the same teacher who can’t teach 4th graders how to read, can somehow be qualified to teach those same kids about sex or Islam.
3. You have to believe that it is bad for law abiding Americans to have guns but its ok to give nuclear weapon technology to Chinese Communists and Iran.
4. You have to believe there was no art before federal funding.
5. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical documented changes in the earth’s climate, and more affected by Yuppies driving SUVs.
6. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial, but being homosexual is natural.
7. You have to be against capital punishment, but support abortion on demand.
8. You have to believe that businesses create oppression, and government creates prosperity.
9. You have to believe that hunters don’t care about nature, but loony activists who’ve never been outside Seattle, do.
10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.
11. You have to believe the military, not corrupt politicians, start wars.
12. You have to believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts
of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
13. You have to believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.
14. You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinman are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, General Robert E. Lee, and Thomas Edison.
15. You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides aren’t.
16. You have to believe that Hillary Clinton is really a lady regardless of how many crimes she has committed.
17. You have to believe that the only reason Socialism hasn’t worked anywhere it’s been tried is because the right people haven’t been in charge.
18. You have to believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but a liar and sex offender belongs in the White House.
19. You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag, transvestites, and$#%&!@*should be constitutionally protected, and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.
20. You have to believe illegal Democratic party funding by the Chinese is somehow in the best interest of the United States.
21. You have to believe that it is ok to teach Islam in school but not Christianity which our country was founded on.
22. You have to believe its evil for Oil companies to make a nickel on a gallon of gas, but perfectly fine for the government to tax the same gallon 75 cents.
23. You have to strongly support feminist’s views, but also support Islam which treats women like slaves.
24. You have to believe Islam is a religion of peace and ignore the hundreds of thousands of atrocities they’ve committed under the auspices of the Koran and Hadith.
25. You have to believe that it is OK to discriminate against, demonize and vilify Jews and Christians but not Muslims.
26. You have to believe that it is wrong to execute a convicted serial killer but ok to murder unborn babies.
27. You have to believe that it is OK for dead people to vote Democrat and ok to rig a voting machine to cast many votes for Democrats but not OK for live people to vote Republican.
28. You have to believe that it is OK for you to have expensive armed guards and gated mansions to protect you but not OK for anyone else to own a gun for their own self protection.
29. You have to believe that it is OK to politicize any tragedy where multiple people die to further your agenda but not OK for Republicans to tell the truth about it.
30. You have to believe that it is OK to say anything you want or even commit treason and nothing should happen to you but if a Republican tells the truth he should be prosecuted.
31. You have to believe that it is OK to burn, walk on or put Obamas face on the American flag but anyone that burns or walks on the rainbow flag should be prosecuted.
32. You have to believe that thugs with criminal records who try to kill Police officers and are killed in self defense are victims, while Police officers who uphold the law and public safety are murderous oppressors.
33. You have to believe that you can legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the rich into poverty.
34. You have to believe that White People are to blame for everything and Black People can do no wrong.
35. You have to believe that Democrats using$#%&!@*propaganda tactics are justified but Republicans telling the truth are not
36. You have to believe that making yourself look good in front of an audience is more important than the lives of American G.I.’s!
37. You have to believe that making a statement by wearing Military medals you didn’t earn is OK, but G.I.’s wearing in public the ones they earned should be spit on.
38. You have to believe the Federal Government can murder anybody they want but a private citizen should never own a gun so he can defend himself at home!
39. You have to believe its OK for a man to use the womens bathroom if he believes himself to be a woman but not ok for mothers to want to protect their children!
40. You have to believe that Republicans and conservatives can and should be prosecuted for having differing opinions!
BY: Mr. Brian Lee Bates
“I think there is an underlying suicidal tendency to Liberalism..They excuse Islam that wants to kill them..They support treacherous vile candidates that want to destroy America,where THEY have to live also…They espouse wickedness and perversion even though it is destroying the very fabric of society…They disdain and ridicule those who would protect them,Police and Military….They celebrate thug mentality and violence by minorities against Whites,they even want us to APOLOGIZE for being WHITE…Now you tell me , doesn’t that sound just slightly suicidal??? They MUST have a subconscious death wish….Because it looks like they are trying like HELL to get killed….Maybe when we stretch their “Illustrious Leader’s” neck for treason they will get the idea we are not playing…We WILL defend this Country and the Constitution……..”
Information on Democrats
They are engaging in Brown Shirt tactics just like$#%&!@*s$#%&!@*s did to persecute Jews. Now Fascist Liberal Democrat baby murdering terrorist supporters are doing it to US citizens. Any body that disagrees with them will be attacked or called racist, bigot, insensitive or all of the above. Their actions in San Jose absolutely prove this point!
can’t gore us ,we know Gore is a lie !!!
We can only pray that you take CA with you.
Have listened to this clown on several occasions, and wonder if others really listen to him. Evidently many do not. Reminds me of some one who loves to hear himself talk, and talk. He has the attention of equally mindless morons who are as equally adept, ER .. I mean inept, at uttering unbelievable nonsense.