When you listen to the things that come out of President Obama’s mouth, you can’t help but wonder if he really believes what he says or is just desperate to pander to the most absurd elements of his party’s base.
Take his recent remarks at a Democratic fundraiser in New York, for instance. Knowing that the success of the event depended on how willing the attendees were to open their wallets, Obama probably realized he had to hit all the talking points to make them do just that, reiterating the need to rally around the party and unite to defeat the GOP.
Noxious as these comments were, they were nothing compared to the whopper he dropped about that favorite pet cause of liberals, climate change. Doing his best to evoke the alarmist hysteria environmentalists regularly deploy to get others to cave into their agenda, the president claimed that we need to heed the wishes of the scientists and “majority of people” who want to address the issue or else – get this – Manhattan will end up underwater.
Learn more about Obama’s climate change remarks on the next page:
A vote for Hillary Clinton is a CONTINUATION of Obama’S FAILED policies!
8 years of Obama: Russia & China MOCKS us, Iran is building a NUKE to BOMB us, North Korea is building a MISSLE to bomb U.S., Radical Muslims are KIllING & BLOWING up the WORLD. The Economy is LOUSY & America is $19 TRILLION in DEBT but OH WAIT….MEN CAN NOW GO IN A LADIES ROOM, WHEN THEY “FEEL” LIKE A WOMAN!”
Why does a Country that is TRILLIONS do DOLLARS IN DEBT, keep “GIVING AWAY” Billions of Dollars in FINANCIAL AID to Countries that HATE US?
Oh, that’s right—–Their Democrats running our Country, & THEY DON’T CARE, HOW THEY SPEND OUR MONEY!!!
It’s time to take our “Country Back”, it’s time to put AMERICA/AMERICANS FIRST!
We need a BUSINESSMAN to RUN the Country, Improve our Economy & Start PAYING DOWN our DEBT!
This is an ELECTION we can’t afford to get wrong, or, we WILL LOSE OUR AMERICA as we know it!
That’s nothing – here in Houston there is a tunnel called Washburn Tunnel — It’s been under water for years, but people still use it..
New York is under water in the subway section…they have to pump the water out daily before it floods….it’s below sea level though…
Climate Change, is a lie.
What an Idiot.
yea, if we dont act on gettn rid of your dumb$#%&!@*, manhattan is not gonna matter.
Were in a time when the earth shift’s. The earth wobbles and shifts. It always has and always will. When the earth shifts it will balance it self out. Earthquakes, volcanic activity. Their’s your global worming! How u gonna fix it. Lol!
If we don’t get Obama out of there the whole country will be under water !!!