The military, by design, is a force to protect the U.S., and the primary means of accomplishing that is to hurt people and break things. The military is not meant to be a jobs program for misguided youth, although it has done an admirable job in that area in the past. It is not meant to be an adjunct arm of the Peace Corps, though it has undertaken that role many times. And it is certainly not meant to be a politically correct social program to help equalize the genders, but that is exactly where it is headed.
The Left hates the military. It despises patriotism, which it compares to xenophobia. It retches when someone suggests that the United States is exceptional due to its Constitution and its history of fighting for freedom and justice. The Left forgets that the U.S. military was the primary force that kept the world free when Nazism threatened civilization. It blocked the aggressive moves exhibited by Communist Russia during the Cold War. It has been a force for good, but Progressives see the military only as a misogynist, aggressive, chauvinistic club, and they are determined to turn it into a “new,” kinder, gentler, more sexually integrated and emasculated, egalitarian organization that is completely unprepared to defend this nation, but is made into the image of a perfect progressive member of society.
See more on the undoing of the U.S. military, page 2:
He’s done it to our entire military, shameful leadership that plots against its own
Thank you for the encouraging words. We know your country is also battling the liberal left from posts I’ve read from Australians. I just hope the free world gets it act together before the Muslims overthrow us all and Sharia Law is imposed everywhere. Europe is sinking fast under the political tactics, as well as violence from radical Islam. Good people everywhere need to fight our own liberal governments to bring sanity back to the world!
Francois, you are exactly correct in all you posted. I wish everyone would educate themselves to our glorious history, and our fighting Marines (and the rest of our faithful armed services). Obama’s agenda has hurt America at every turn, and he shows no respect for our military, our police forces, or even our Constitution.
Thank You Sylvia the resistance is building here our idiot PM will get a sharpe lesson at the election. European
Nations are starting to react as well I feel sure ISLAM is in for a tough and loosing time.
United States Constitution
Article 3
Section 3
1. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
2. The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
Morris Kent Thompson For President
Beer Bust and Shoot Out
The NRA is a paper tiger sucking up your fees.
Obama has not shown a causal relationship to infringe upon a sacred right. Actually, the crime rate has gone down with concealed carry and stand your ground here in Florida.
I invite America to The White House January 20, 2017 for a beer bust and shoot out on RESCIND OBAMA EXECUTIVE ORDER DAY.
Shooting traps will be there with plenty of Marine marksmen to make sure you hit your targets. We will have the Shoot out prior to the BBQ and Beer.
There will be BBQ hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, coke and beer served. No dainty wine glasses will be allowed.
Republicans BLOCKED help for our TRUE HEROES!!! But that’s OK….
Republicans Disrespected our children
You fucking idiots will believe anything.
he make,s me sick