The military, by design, is a force to protect the U.S., and the primary means of accomplishing that is to hurt people and break things. The military is not meant to be a jobs program for misguided youth, although it has done an admirable job in that area in the past. It is not meant to be an adjunct arm of the Peace Corps, though it has undertaken that role many times. And it is certainly not meant to be a politically correct social program to help equalize the genders, but that is exactly where it is headed.
The Left hates the military. It despises patriotism, which it compares to xenophobia. It retches when someone suggests that the United States is exceptional due to its Constitution and its history of fighting for freedom and justice. The Left forgets that the U.S. military was the primary force that kept the world free when Nazism threatened civilization. It blocked the aggressive moves exhibited by Communist Russia during the Cold War. It has been a force for good, but Progressives see the military only as a misogynist, aggressive, chauvinistic club, and they are determined to turn it into a “new,” kinder, gentler, more sexually integrated and emasculated, egalitarian organization that is completely unprepared to defend this nation, but is made into the image of a perfect progressive member of society.
See more on the undoing of the U.S. military, page 2:
Stand firm America Obama days are nearly over. You will be great again . Nixon was impeached for a lot less than the crimes the Obama government have perpetrated . Your armed forces will be strong and proud again.
Obama already knows he is failing the individual state Governors are starting to go against him and some respected individuals are starting to voice their anger against Obama and Hillary in public.
Messed up
This is truly SHAMEFUL!
If he was an American, he wouldn’t be doing this…this is what you get from a kenyan communist. The Marines were created to fight the first war after the revolution against the Barbary pirates , in modern terms, the muslim pirates off the coast of Tripoli (aka Libya) The Marines hymn says it all, from the halls of Montezuma (mexico) to the shores of Tripoli (Libya)….They had to wear leather collars as a defense against the muslim sabers used to behead fighters…That’s why Marines are referred to as Leather necks. We could live with out the kenyan, we can’t live with out the Marines.
he is disgraceful
Everything he does is disgraceful
thinking so highly of the MARINES WHY HAVE YOU BLOCKED EVERY WAGE AND BENEFIT INCREASE THAT HAS COME BEFORE THE G.O.P.LED CONGRESS while cutting their FOOD STAMP PROGRAM AND TURNING RIGHT AROUND AND GIVING CORPORATE FARMING A 7-Billion Dollar Tax Brake!! A party here of many Faces u trying to use the MARINES for Political Gain!!! PHONY AS A $3.00 BILL!!
For sure
Every thing Barry does is disgraceful
Get rid of obama