Military to Become “Gender Neutral”
While there is a place for women in the military, it is absurd to think that women can undertake all the tasks that male soldiers are required to do, but that is not stopping the “gender warriors” from demanding “equality” in the ranks. By January 15th, the Marine Corps must submit a plan to make enlisted entry-level training completely co-ed, including barracks, and make sure that all job titles are “gender neutral.” The plan must then be implemented by April 1st, 2016.
Marine Corps Times says, “In a Jan. 1 memo to Marine Commandant Gen. Robert Neller, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus wrote The Department of the Navy’s implementation plan must include gender integration of Marine Corps enlisted recruit training and officer candidate school. In this submission, identify where, if anywhere, this training is already integrated, where it is separate, and specific steps that you will take to fully integrate these trainings.”
A senior official sad, “It requires a look at … how much personnel to bring, how many drill instructors to bring, the leadership and support cadre that comes along with that. The barracks in San Diego are H-shaped, for example, so you can see everything that’s going on. If women are living in them, do you black out the windows or make an entire building that’s theirs? Do you do a floor for men and a floor for women?
At this time the claim is that training and physical conditioning standards will be the same for men and women, but you can be sure that it will be modified once the “equality zealots” see that most women cannot meet the standards of the men. It is not discrimination, it is physiology! Men are leaving the service in droves because the military is becoming something that it was not meant to be. The problem is that as the service devolves into a social equality experiment, it will cease to be a hard core, trained and prepared fighting machine. Unfortunately, that will not become evident until it is called upon to defend the nation. By then it will be too late. The restructuring of our military is a disgrace, and you can be sure that the Obama administration is behind the changes in order to placate the military hating Left. What a sad development for what once once the finest military in the world.