Barack Obama is perhaps the least presidential of any president we have ever had. Oh, he is well groomed, can dress up nicely, and as Joe Biden said long ago, he is “clean.” But he sullies the office by doing unpresidential things like criticizing police in very ambiguous cases if the perp is black, or encouraging rioters and punks like the Black Lives Matter riffraff. Most presidents hold themselves a bit above the political fray when it comes to the presidential election following their own administration, but Obama has proven himself to be the most partisan president ever.
Now he is throwing his weight behind Hillary Clinton in her presidential run, and under ordinary circumstances, statesmanlike support for his parties candidate would be expected. In this case, however, Clinton is under investigation for serious crimes that are being investigated by the FBI which endangered U.S. national security, including clandestine operatives working overseas. She also had over 2,000 secret or top secret documents on her personal email server and sent them all over the world, a breach that would land an ordinary citizen in prison for many years. As the truth has been exposed, and her lies have been revealed, it has become more and more astonishing that she would expose the U.S. to such a tremendous risk, with the Russians, the Chinese, and a host of other enemy nations having easy access to these secret documents, with no one able to prove that they did not, in fact, hack into her server.
The FBI investigation continues unabated, and a criminal indictment is expected soon. Apparently that makes no difference to Obama, and he seems perfectly willing to welcome a felon into the White House to serve as president after he leaves office. The video on page 2 shows how lightly Obama considers such an indictment, and his support may very well affect the outcome of the case.
Video on page 2 shows plan to exonerate Clinton:
this scum needs to be on trial for allowing hilary to murder those four ameircnas he is hte ione that told hilary to tell air force one to stnad down sob
They just REFUSE to listen to who it is WE THE PEOPLE want this election…More than a third of the GOP wants to stop Trump before or during the convention.
Politico reported: Nearly four-in-10 Republican members of The POLITICO Caucus — a panel of activists, operatives and strategists in 10 key states — would like to see changes that could deny Trump the party’s nod after the presumptive nominee began the November campaign without a credible campaign structure, in addition to making a series of erratic and inflammatory comments. Among the comments was a recent suggestion that an American-born judge presiding over a civil suit in which he is a defendant can’t be impartial because of the judge’s Mexican heritage
The majority of GOP insiders, a little more than 60 percent, expressed either hesitance or disdain for such an effort. Many warned against overturning the will of the GOP electorate: Trump has won 1,447 bound delegates and has commitments from another 95 unbound delegates — putting him well over the 1,237 needed to clinch the nomination.
But with just six weeks to go until the GOP convention, more than a third want to see the party throw out those rules, unbind the delegates and allow them to choose a different candidate. For many of them, it isn’t as much about winning this year’s election: Trump as the nominee, they believe, represents an existential threat to the party.
“Trump’s continued descent into madness is dragging the GOP down with him,” said a Florida Republican, who like all respondents, completed the survey anonymously. “A convention switchup would be great politics and save the GOP.”
This man has worn a mask through his whole presidency. And minorities fell for it hook line and sinker. He is a disgrace to this country and the american people need to make there voices heard.
Thats as disgusting as the rest of the 8 yrs we have had to deal with his EVIL MOSLUM A**
Endorse criminal this is what he does best ! Sadly for this country! Trump is not black and he care more got the black then this man does!
That the democrat racist terrorist way
there’s your legacy endorsement of a criminal