Barack Obama is perhaps the least presidential of any president we have ever had. Oh, he is well groomed, can dress up nicely, and as Joe Biden said long ago, he is “clean.” But he sullies the office by doing unpresidential things like criticizing police in very ambiguous cases if the perp is black, or encouraging rioters and punks like the Black Lives Matter riffraff. Most presidents hold themselves a bit above the political fray when it comes to the presidential election following their own administration, but Obama has proven himself to be the most partisan president ever.
Now he is throwing his weight behind Hillary Clinton in her presidential run, and under ordinary circumstances, statesmanlike support for his parties candidate would be expected. In this case, however, Clinton is under investigation for serious crimes that are being investigated by the FBI which endangered U.S. national security, including clandestine operatives working overseas. She also had over 2,000 secret or top secret documents on her personal email server and sent them all over the world, a breach that would land an ordinary citizen in prison for many years. As the truth has been exposed, and her lies have been revealed, it has become more and more astonishing that she would expose the U.S. to such a tremendous risk, with the Russians, the Chinese, and a host of other enemy nations having easy access to these secret documents, with no one able to prove that they did not, in fact, hack into her server.
The FBI investigation continues unabated, and a criminal indictment is expected soon. Apparently that makes no difference to Obama, and he seems perfectly willing to welcome a felon into the White House to serve as president after he leaves office. The video on page 2 shows how lightly Obama considers such an indictment, and his support may very well affect the outcome of the case.
Video on page 2 shows plan to exonerate Clinton:
Criminals do band together.
She will tare this country to shreds. Bringing in 100,000 more raping refugees, along with more Sharia Law….If you don’t know enough about that law, please look it up; you’ll get chills. We need to be bending over backwards to keep her out of the WH…..SAVANNA
matt devlin
Can’t you understand yet that he’s a$#%&!@*damn.
What do you expect, ,,,, from a so call president that stands before the amrecan people and just lies about the economy , and the jobs you say you at every month that’s not true instead why not,tell them the truth all the job that you have closed down in eight years ,,,, how can you account for good academy when your numbers do not and add up, you are just another crook in the white house, , hillary will not be president, , and you bunny supporters he went to the white house to sell people out so your can vote for Hillary, ,,
Obama is a criminal also but no one has the backbone for the constitution to have him arrested for breaking the laws, so in turn Obama can endorse another criminal like hillary and they/establishment still will not do anything again… All birds of a feather flock together
That’s because he’s a criminal himself!
Terrorist filth!
he is a retard
One big murder of crows…