Barack Obama is perhaps the least presidential of any president we have ever had. Oh, he is well groomed, can dress up nicely, and as Joe Biden said long ago, he is “clean.” But he sullies the office by doing unpresidential things like criticizing police in very ambiguous cases if the perp is black, or encouraging rioters and punks like the Black Lives Matter riffraff. Most presidents hold themselves a bit above the political fray when it comes to the presidential election following their own administration, but Obama has proven himself to be the most partisan president ever.
Now he is throwing his weight behind Hillary Clinton in her presidential run, and under ordinary circumstances, statesmanlike support for his parties candidate would be expected. In this case, however, Clinton is under investigation for serious crimes that are being investigated by the FBI which endangered U.S. national security, including clandestine operatives working overseas. She also had over 2,000 secret or top secret documents on her personal email server and sent them all over the world, a breach that would land an ordinary citizen in prison for many years. As the truth has been exposed, and her lies have been revealed, it has become more and more astonishing that she would expose the U.S. to such a tremendous risk, with the Russians, the Chinese, and a host of other enemy nations having easy access to these secret documents, with no one able to prove that they did not, in fact, hack into her server.
The FBI investigation continues unabated, and a criminal indictment is expected soon. Apparently that makes no difference to Obama, and he seems perfectly willing to welcome a felon into the White House to serve as president after he leaves office. The video on page 2 shows how lightly Obama considers such an indictment, and his support may very well affect the outcome of the case.
Video on page 2 shows plan to exonerate Clinton:
He never legally changed his name from Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama. No one really knows who is his real father, the social security number he has been using for years from Connecticut is not really his, he never attended Columbia university and lied himself into Harvard.
Barry ended up sending his law license back to Harvard Law school, to avoid being sued for fraud. The only place where he got to work as a lawyer, was where Michelle Obama also worked and was able to get him a job without the corresponding background check. He never filed a case alone, only simple memos, for the same reason, to avoid being sued, because of his background. Michelle also had to give up her Law License, to avoid getting Disbarred, because she was involved in corruption with the Chicago mayor’s office.
Barack Obama’s Ineligibility for President
Producer Bettina Viviano , worked on a documentary exposing Barack Obama, for not being a born US citizen and for presenting an obvious f**e birth certificate. She claims that the Clintons were the first to start talking about Obama’s ineligibility for not being a citizen, while the Democrats try to blame the Republicans or the Tea Party.
Due to the content of the Documentary and what Bill Clinton started saying, some people were silenced and others received dead threats. Bill Clinton’s best friend, former chairman of the Arkansas’ Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s super-delegate, Bill Gwatney was murder to send a message to Bill, so that he would stop talking about Obama’s ineligibility and his f**e birth certificate. She says that even with the death of his best friend, Bill was ready to speak out, however this time they threaten to kill his daughter, reason why he kept his mouth shut.
Birth Certificate proven F**e yet Again
Barack Obama’s Identity, regarding the Birth Certificate presented by Obama as his. Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s team claim they began the investigation wanting to proof that the Birth Certificate was a legal document, looking to shut up all the so called “birthers”, however they ended up being convinced of the fact that Barack Hussein Obama was not born in the United States, making him ineligible for the Presidency, saying that “this may be one of the biggest scandals perpetrated on the American people.”
The head of Arpaio’s team clearly states that the certificate was “literally created in the mind of a computer and resides in cyber space”.
Obama supports Islam and has mocked the Bible in the past, Barack Obama, the Antichrist? and Barack Obama, the First Beast; is now quoting the Bible, using it only for his agenda of course, as he always does, this time to attract the Christians which were the majority listening to him at the moment.
Evie, Obama’s gay male nanny.
Barack Obama’s nanny was a gay man.
In the late 1960s, Barack’s mother appointed Evie, an openly gay Indonesian male, as Barack’s nanny.
Evie is a gay transgender male, and at one time earned money as a sex worker.
‘Evie’ looked after Barack Obama, also known as Barry Soetoro, when he lived in Jakarta.
Evie was openly gay.
During her time off, she dressed in full drag.
FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS The father of Obama, A bisexual sadist who liked sex with children.
An agent of the CIA
The UK’s Daily Telegraph reported that Davis was into sado-masochism, and that he and his wife seduced a 13 year old girl:
“Mr Davis would cruise in Hawaii parks looking for couples or female tourists to have sex with.
“He derived sexual gratification from$#%&!@* simulated rape and being flogged and urinated on.”
For seven years, Obama had a ‘father-son’ relationship with Davis, who confessed to being an underground pedophile practicing a wide array of deviant sexual activities; voyeurism (paraphilia), exhibitionism, bisexuality, rape, sadomasochism, and$#%&!@*
Michelle discovered Obama was a$#%&!@*when he was 15.
A video has been made by Rev. James David Manning interviewing Mia Marie Pope. She said that when she knew Obama in Hawaii, Obama was prostituting himself for cocaine. His clients were older white gay men. This is so explosive that it’s gone viral everywhere on Internet. The news that Obama was a homosexual prostitute in Hawaii at 15 – and for that to go viral throughout Internet – is certainly panicking the Oval Office and White House. This is dynamite and hair-raising news. There are more viral articles about Obama’s prostitution and drug-use: Bombshell! Barack Obama High School Classmate Reveals That He Was A Well Known Homosexual
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On election night, November 4, 2008, Michelle Obama appeared in a (‘Satanic’) red and black dress at Grant Park in Chicago.[97]
Malia is dressed in a pool of red, the Blood Sacrifice. Sasha (Alexandra the Great) was dressed in black for a funeral, the Luciferian sacrifice.
Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, is reportedly a Pagan “Handmaiden of Santeria” in the White House.
This is they’re plan for America, plain and simple. This is not about he said she said, these criminals (Liberals) are intent on ending our country and the world, period and they are two thirds of the way there already, Hillary would be the last nail in our coffin!!! Please read it, copy and share.
Obama’s Ex-Boyfriend Reveals Shocking Truth That He Wants To Hide From America
This is almost too odd to believe.
According to recent reports, the White House recently released a press statement claiming that “a male President of the United States has announced his breakup with a male staffer and a longtime lover.”
The press release uses the term “body man” instead of “boyfriend”, but the implications remain the same.
Read the press release below and tell us what you think. Is this completely bizarre?
Reggie Love, President Barack Obama’s basketball-playing personal assistant and travel companion, is leaving the White House at the end of this year to finish a graduate degree in business.
…Constantly at the president’s side, Love is often referred to as his ‘body man.’
Many have wondered about Obama’s extremely close relationship with his former “body man,” Reggie Love
What we know is that we know very little about the man who leads our nation. We also know that the Obama mania media, as Rush Limbaugh calls it, has placed a cone of silence over any negative stories about the president. They swirl amongst those who dislike Obama already, but the media ensures that they never reach the greater American public.