Barack Obama is perhaps the least presidential of any president we have ever had. Oh, he is well groomed, can dress up nicely, and as Joe Biden said long ago, he is “clean.” But he sullies the office by doing unpresidential things like criticizing police in very ambiguous cases if the perp is black, or encouraging rioters and punks like the Black Lives Matter riffraff. Most presidents hold themselves a bit above the political fray when it comes to the presidential election following their own administration, but Obama has proven himself to be the most partisan president ever.
Now he is throwing his weight behind Hillary Clinton in her presidential run, and under ordinary circumstances, statesmanlike support for his parties candidate would be expected. In this case, however, Clinton is under investigation for serious crimes that are being investigated by the FBI which endangered U.S. national security, including clandestine operatives working overseas. She also had over 2,000 secret or top secret documents on her personal email server and sent them all over the world, a breach that would land an ordinary citizen in prison for many years. As the truth has been exposed, and her lies have been revealed, it has become more and more astonishing that she would expose the U.S. to such a tremendous risk, with the Russians, the Chinese, and a host of other enemy nations having easy access to these secret documents, with no one able to prove that they did not, in fact, hack into her server.
The FBI investigation continues unabated, and a criminal indictment is expected soon. Apparently that makes no difference to Obama, and he seems perfectly willing to welcome a felon into the White House to serve as president after he leaves office. The video on page 2 shows how lightly Obama considers such an indictment, and his support may very well affect the outcome of the case.
Video on page 2 shows plan to exonerate Clinton:
Really need someone to stand up and really take charge of the sickening state of our union.How in the world can you endorse someone under a federal investigation.what a nightmare this administration is.
Him and his whole administration are absolutely DISGUSTING and DISGRACEFUL
Just goes to show what a total f**ked up traitor he is.
Great!!! A criminal treasonous traitor endorsing another criminal treasonous traitor!
We need a nation sweep for TRUMP!
First we have banks to big to fail. Now we have politicians too big to be indicted. WTF?
Well I guess it doesn’t matter how he uses tax payer’s money – chasing a golf ball or a goof ball – it doesn’t matter – we have to pay for it.
Barack Obama won 52.9 percent of the votes in the presidential election. But that is not why he is President of the United States. He sits in the White House for one reason and one reason only: Barack Obama was Rothschild’s Choice.
Even more startling is the goal that Rothschild’s man has been assigned by Illuminati “chieftains” to accomplish. That goal is nothing less than the systematic dismantlement and destruction of America and its occupation by a Jewish-run Mafia.Barack Obama was chosen to become the first leader of a Jewish-ruled New World Order.
What you think you saw in 2008 during that strange and tumultuous election year was actually far removed from what really happened behind-the-scenes. Lord Jacob Rothschild is the fourth Baron de Rothschild and rules a vast empire as the current head of the planet’s most illustrious bloodline. Who are the Rothschilds? Few Americans know of the terrible power and influence of this wealthy Jewish dynasty. But believe me, the leaders of this world know of Jacob Rothschild and his kin.
Politicians like Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, and, yes, Barack Obama tremble in fear when the name “Rothschild” is so much as mentioned in passing.
The power of the Rothschilds is greater than the combined influence and authority of the Democrat and Republican Parties. The red shield, the Rothschild Family crest, holds sway over all the nations of Europe, and many a government has toppled because a Rothschild was displeased with its performance. New York’s Wall Street and London’s “The City” financial districts stoop to hear Rothschilds’ instructions, and national currencies alternatively shrink or boom in value, depending on their favor.
The Rothschilds, above everything else, are Zionist Jews. The hidden cabal ruled by Rothschild always make sure a Zionist politician—be he Democrat or Republican—is sworn in as President of the world’s greatest superpower. The last U.S. president to violate this cardinal rule was Richard M. Nixon, whose spirited rebellion against America’s Rothschild Jewish faction was short lived and tragic in its demise.
Barack Obama’s mysterious emergence as a political superstar was no fluke, no flash-in-the-pan. Obama had been meticulously groomed and trained since youth to become—get this!—America’s First Jewish President. Dare I repeat?—Barack Obama is America’s first Jewish President. No, not by DNA, not according to the flesh, but regardless, a Zionist Jew; and the Jew part is so ingrained in his nature that the world’s most influential billionaire Jewish Illuminati honor him as a devout Zionist who can be trusted. Obama, the Jews say, “has a Jewish soul.” Obama is Jewish “in his gut,” says one top Jewish politico.
Now, Communism is Jewish, and Obama is also a dyed-in-the-wool Communist. History confirms that the Red Terror’s chief movers and shakers—Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Leon Trotsky—were ideologically Communist. But more significant, these architects of extreme socialism were—and this is paramount—Jews. Jews by race, Jews by conduct and goals. So, too, is Barack Obama both Communist and Jewish, his Jewishness being a matter of spirituality, ambition and affiliations. Barack Obama’s white mother was a Communist, his white grandparents were Communists, and the black man who mentored him from youth, Frank Marshall Davis, was also a Communist. Davis was, moreover, a perverted, bisexual dope-head and a bigoted racist. Davis, who became a father to young Barack, once wrote a book about his own dark sexual exploits. He bragged of “spanking” sex-crazy white women and of having swinger parties with depraved white women. Obama’s most intimate Chicago associates were, and are today, Communists. Virtually all are Jews, and most are gay. Indeed, Barack Obama’s whole life has been a sordid cesspool and saga of Communist instruction, Zionist philosophy, intensely perverted homosexual buggery, fer-vent anti-Americanism and a “Hate Whitey” form of black racism. What we have here is a President whose agenda is alien to our Constitution, a man committed to Marxist aims and a Zionist Police State.
Surrounding Obama in the White House and in Washington, D.C. is a frightening array of Jewish radicals and Zionist agents of influence.