Obama recently did a 180 regarding his classification of the Islamic State, stating that they are ‘NOT A JV [junior varsity] TEAM’. Meaning he considered them to be a minor threat and not a major player on the international theme. Has our JV President has been intentionally stalling on getting the Islamic State handled or does he like the whole world laughing at him?
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Just to make his brothers feel better he is the enemy
of course he is stalling and building them up right here in our country and some of you sit with your heads in the sand pretending like this can’t happen here when it is ALREADY HERE wake up and get armed and prepared
Stupid is as stupid does….
Somebody needs to put him down before this country is too far gone
I wish ISIS had him!
Stop stalling…………
Nothing but a fool
If he would have taken the advice of people who have actually dealt with terrorists, he might not look like such a dumb ass. But he never listens to the military, why start now.
What a clown
He definitely went to Goodwill to get that beige suit. He needs to not only be a leader, but a fashion leader as well. A dark suit, or grey would be a better choice. But beige shows why he is such as light weight.