Obama recently did a 180 regarding his classification of the Islamic State, stating that they are ‘NOT A JV [junior varsity] TEAM’. Meaning he considered them to be a minor threat and not a major player on the international theme. Has our JV President has been intentionally stalling on getting the Islamic State handled or does he like the whole world laughing at him?
Click the link below for the full story:
And yet their being handled like the minor leagues.
What do you expect fm a lier !
Like Obama has a $#%&!@*ing clue………. LOL
God help us! Only way to survive this idiot!
What Obama is, is unqualified to hold the office of President!
He can’t be the anti chrst. If he was we would all believe the bull$#%&!@* he is trying to sell.
Thisnis the hope and change fir him. Drastic change for America to be 3rd world giving hope to his fellow terrorist to kill and anihilate the infedils.
He will do anything to help the radical muslims….arm them, finance them through 3rd party…Republican minions helped too…John McCain, Boehner, Graham…all voted to do Obama’s financing of this same isis group that has changed its name and born in syria
Do not believe a word he says!! He cannot say anything with our lying. Wait and see if he will ACTUALLY DO anything before you put any stock in his words!