Obama recently did a 180 regarding his classification of the Islamic State, stating that they are ‘NOT A JV [junior varsity] TEAM’. Meaning he considered them to be a minor threat and not a major player on the international theme. Has our JV President has been intentionally stalling on getting the Islamic State handled or does he like the whole world laughing at him?
Click the link below for the full story:
If they don’t let them act out they can’t come in and look like hero’s when they destroy them after they created them in the first place
Well, I didn’t vote for him but someone did
About time, but if it was not for we the people he would not have changed a thing…
The longer he plays dumb the further they advance!
He has to go.!!!!! He is a panty waist.
You sure know how to spread it thick!
send him back to HawaII IN KENYA where he came from
sure changed his mind in a hurry