Obama recently did a 180 regarding his classification of the Islamic State, stating that they are ‘NOT A JV [junior varsity] TEAM’. Meaning he considered them to be a minor threat and not a major player on the international theme. Has our JV President has been intentionally stalling on getting the Islamic State handled or does he like the whole world laughing at him?
Click the link below for the full story:
dumber than a box of rocks
The LIAR lies again
What a stooge!
i dont think so you and isis is a terriost
you dummy you don,t know who your dealing with,step down now
He is stalling on purpose prob have plans when and what to do.
He may have no choice but to put boots on the ground again .
And your not a Christian .. Coward!!!!!
how could he not have believed it before????
Yup Step Down.. The Dems are ordered to step down!!! Abandon the
Dems.. Vote republican!!
Don’t want Amnesty.. Do you want our taxes going to people that are Illeagal