Obama recently did a 180 regarding his classification of the Islamic State, stating that they are ‘NOT A JV [junior varsity] TEAM’. Meaning he considered them to be a minor threat and not a major player on the international theme. Has our JV President has been intentionally stalling on getting the Islamic State handled or does he like the whole world laughing at him?
Click the link below for the full story:
Here’s Obama doing his “Zippy the Chimp” face! Notice the “poor me” gaze, there’s a banana just out of frame!
I just can’t trust this little spoiled boy!!!
In over his head. Thank a Liberal.
Probably working in Private. News can give too much information some times.
he doesnt want to do anything with isis—if you check google and put in has obama aide the enemy you will see a lot of links—http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=obama+isis+funding&qpvt=Obama+ISIS+Funding&FORM=VDRE
take a look of the video some are of him on his speeches
Idiot in Chief.
it wasn’t his fault, he is evolving, or he misspoke,,, and “at this point, what difference does it make” hrc
Remember the almost nuclear war with Russia by Cuba. Russia learned from our news reporters what was going on. And it was a cool headed Russian
commander to resist the pressure of hot headed individuals and choose some humiliate as opposed to a nuclear war that could have been the end of this world. Even our President Kennedy and cabinet were under the stress of possible nuclear combat.