Obama ramps it up to get more packed in. It was reported that 70,000 Syrians might be coming here. No big deal!
Obama has more than 36,000 immigrants becoming citizens over the next week alone. The Obama administration will be holding more than 200 naturalization ceremonies over the next seven days. Want to bet they will all register as Democrats? Find out more on the next page:
This goes against all previous laws from the past.
And, I’m sure without any background checks.
Obama & ADM. is out of control & must be stopped, NOW.
Americans, don’t pay your taxes & bring the government to their knees. Stop the money, solve the problem.
HOW MANY actually cited the PLEDGE OF ALLIGENCE?
He’s an a##hole
It’s enough time to make them democrats.
This man is pure evil and a muslim trying to take America done but the American people wont let it happen.
I hate OBAMA!
People are to sorry to PROTEST we should be at the doors of the white house or as close as we could get like Martin Luther King’s speech thousands stood to hear we should stand together!