Voters were asked: ‘Since his election as America’s first black president, has Barack Obama brought Americans of different races closer together or driven them further apart? Or have his words and actions had no major impact either way?’
After asking yourself that question, compare your response to those on the next page.
Some of us have already figured that out even before he was elected the first time.
yes he has that is for sure before we lived in peace now it is different
It’s true. He never responds He takes off on a trip
C.I. C.l. Elder, what the hell do you mean how? Where you been, under a rock?
And your right Frank.
Black hatred of Whites has been encouraged and ignored under this administration. It’s like it was their goal…and, By God, they got it. People are being randomly murdered just because they are White and there is no outrage from D.C…..Do they actually think honkies are running around doing the same?…….The catch is, It’s not Whites that are in danger of extinction….It’s Civilized Society. Here Comes Mad Max…..
I believe it to.
He and his wife are two of the biggest racists out there!!!!!
wow……you think ?????