Voters were asked: ‘Since his election as America’s first black president, has Barack Obama brought Americans of different races closer together or driven them further apart? Or have his words and actions had no major impact either way?’
After asking yourself that question, compare your response to those on the next page.
“Bozo”-bama’s election, as the first mulatto president, has been a miserably failed “social experiment”!! Not ONLY was he NEVER “vetted” regarding his qualifications, his political accomplishments amounted to exactly “NIL”!!! He was elected only because he was “black”, and that’s all the liberal left, socialists, marxists and malcontents were interested in.! They were bought off by “free” cell phones and a carnival barker’s spiel and they have freely feasted at ‘bama’s swill trough!!!! – Vietnam Combat Veteran 7/66-11/71
I agree!!
You got that right.
It is his calling to destroy the u.s.
Don’t for the weasel holder
Him , Shaprton and Soros….
He has used race to cover his evil intentions .. I don’t believe for a minute he is any more “African” than he is “American”
The little wimpy evil black boy is the biggest divider traitor racist in history and belongs in prison mexico
obama’s not black , in fact only 6%african black .. the remainder ,basically north african arab and white. you have been played………………..
Because of this administration not only Israel will come under the attack of Iran WE as a nation will be overcome by them just as they’ve promised we will.