Voters were asked: ‘Since his election as America’s first black president, has Barack Obama brought Americans of different races closer together or driven them further apart? Or have his words and actions had no major impact either way?’
After asking yourself that question, compare your response to those on the next page.
If everyone had been making notes since 2008 and guessed how things would go…..what did you say and think? Like it did or what you wanted? The dive in almost everything.
Obama is Muslim Brothrhood, READ proof,
Since Congress refuses to impeach the divider, a convention of the states is necessary.
He is a disruptive,racist anti-American.What even worse is the people that can do something about it are sitting on their thumbs.
Obam wants Civi Unrest (Al Sharpton in White House over 80 times), Friend of George Soros(finances Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall St, Black Panthers). Obama will declare Martial Law to stay in power
Citizens arrest!!!
This is the one thing Obama can be proud of (setting relations back 200 years); me, not so much.
Tell me one thing that Obama has made better. Not one thing.