Voters were asked: ‘Since his election as America’s first black president, has Barack Obama brought Americans of different races closer together or driven them further apart? Or have his words and actions had no major impact either way?’
After asking yourself that question, compare your response to those on the next page.
You are misinformed they were elected by the continental congress, so learn what your talking about before you put your foot in your mouth again, feet do not taste to good do they?
He has destroyed everything he touches!!
And it was ALL done on purpose ! ! !
AND, the Great Pole Smoking Muslim ! ! !
I don’t think so.
He seems to be doing so on purpose.
Obama has done NOTHING but SCREW the AMERICANS
Obumer has to create a crisis. It will either be a race war, an immigration crisis or BOTH. He wants our guns and his New World Order.
Frank conn your right obama is a racist and race baitor he has ser race relations back obama is a disgrace