Voters were asked: ‘Since his election as America’s first black president, has Barack Obama brought Americans of different races closer together or driven them further apart? Or have his words and actions had no major impact either way?’
After asking yourself that question, compare your response to those on the next page.
Prior to Washington they were called ‘Governors’. appointed by the king.
Obama ! The Great Divider !
I get into a log of arguments on here about the south having black slave owners and some of them were the richest.
For sure will get worst
Lmao. Which brings me to the next issue. How do we determine combatants from non? Listen C.l. Elder, your talking to a guy that grew up in the hood and had to run home everyday or get jumped by blacks. That however has not made me racist or fearful. I’ve met several black people that I like and admire. What i am saying is that we cannot allow black extremists to continually call for the extermination of white people. Would I miss some white a-holes who own and influence people? No. But those people wear suits and have body guards. These fools are talking about me and my family. Not just the oppressors. These people must be met with force.
He’s a race baiting muslim,come on of co$#%&!@* worse
The Fabian tactic, divide and conquer.
Relations are the same. The manifestation of it is more obvious than in the past however the sight of a person of color has caused some to act out more aggressively but the sentiment has never been buried too far from the surface. A bigot is more bolden my his behavior now !!
How Frank?