Voters were asked: ‘Since his election as America’s first black president, has Barack Obama brought Americans of different races closer together or driven them further apart? Or have his words and actions had no major impact either way?’
After asking yourself that question, compare your response to those on the next page.
No. Only 70 years. 200 years wouldn’t be such a problem.
And everybody knows it and sad they some like it. The Muslimbrotherhood
This is so TRUE. They still remain higher than our laws.
I think Nobama intended to do just that.
obama is a race baiting TRAITOR to the USA.
Race relations set back 60 years, an economy on the verge of another Great Depression, renewal of North-South hostility, an energy policy that will put us back in the pre-industrial age. Where’s the ” progress ” in ” progressive “?
He is a divider and uses the black community.
This is stupid, you always looking for scapegoats.
The senate and congress will not work with Obama and WHO is causing racism issues! Selective listening!
I care everyday , but I also know if americans react because our goverment wont, he will get his sharia law, first thing in order is to get him out of office, new president sworn in so it’s official then we can address illegals and muslims.