Voters were asked: ‘Since his election as America’s first black president, has Barack Obama brought Americans of different races closer together or driven them further apart? Or have his words and actions had no major impact either way?’
After asking yourself that question, compare your response to those on the next page.
After the Revolution, the states pretty much went their own ways. There was no real central government to speak of. It wasn’t until they couldn’t agree on how to pay for the fledgling navy and army, that they got together to form a central government.
Just read/watch the Daily News….O’Bama’s Rules for REVOLUTION…in full throttle…he designed it…encouraged it…fans the fires of Distrust/Hatred/Strife!
Brotherhood is a word he Never Heard!
Hhhhhhmmm let”s see he I not African American or a legal citizen !!mmmm it wouldn’t have been that bad at all if indeed other colors is not any problem! That wouldn’t & should not disseminate the problem is everyone won’t let this stupid racisem be over & done with we all bleed the same color red. Everyone just need “to stop hateing on one another !!!!but to heck with all these stupid arguments we the people whom are real American citizens need to force the hands of upper government state federal level pe$#%&!@*ion to release sealed do$#%&!@*ents so we the. People can get a real pe$#%&!@*ion to make our government work for us…
Seems to be what he’s going for.
You typed “No” and then typed whatever the $#%&!@*le of the article says like you were saying something different. I don’t get it.
Sorry about that!
The only way that we can come together again is to fight for something that we both think is worth dying for. Obama has given us that. We both want our United States back. Not with muslim terrorist around every corner. Nor with illegals that have a police record or have been deported before. We can not support our citizens now because of the overload on medicare,food stamps, welfare, and such. We need to come together to try to figure out what can be done to get our country out of the mess we have. We also had better figure out how to keep from going to war again-either Russia or China will test us. We might be able to join them and get rid if Iran. What ever we do, first is to stop Obama from getting his deal through Congress. Then we Get rid of him and all of the other Democrats who has been taking money from the terrorist. Then we get rid of the IRS- EPA- NSA- and all the other departments that do nothing. Do you see what I am talking about??? Clean up our House!!!!!
Incorrect the troops could not be paid and where threatening to revolt and the continental congress fled for their lives and John Hanson stated behind and ran the government and got enough silver and sent it to George Washington and Hanson told Washington to pay the troops, so learn what your talking about before you keep putting your foot in your mouth but then again I guess you like the taste of your foot?
Obama is intentionally doing this- he has stirred up the lowest members of society to be the trash they are…and whle the country is trying to deal with a real life Rise of the Planet of the Apes Obama and his ilk are destroying us as a nation
😀 oh goodness Marie