President Obama’s heavy reliance on teleprompters has been noteworthy since the beginning of his administration. At times, it seems like he’s lost without one, being reduced almost to incoherency if he must deal with a controversial subject extemporaneously. All of this sort of belies the liberal mantra that asserts that Mr. Obama is an incredibly skilled orator.
Then again it might just be that talking about Donald Trump so unnerves the man that he winds up babbling. It’s so embarrassing that you could almost feel sorry for the guy. So, it’s something to behold as you’ll see on page two.
Trump #patriot
Joe Dubtech please refute me with facts
Yea we can’t BELEIVE you morons either
Nut case
آيا سناتورهاي جمهوريخواه خطرجهل ترامپ را بر حوزه خدمتي خويش احساس نميكنند، فقط خوشحال هستند كه آرايي بدست آيد، فكر نميكنيد ديگر كشورها وملتها روي شما حساب نخواهند كرد، طالبان وداعش ها ايالات متحده را تسخير خواهند كرد وسيل مهاجرين آمريكايي بكشورهاي ديگر آغاز خواهد شد،نابودي ملت بزرگي بنام ايالات متحده، مانند، روم باستان ونرون با اشكدانش وچين وروسيه أربابان شما،،جلوي خطر را بگيريد ،قبل إز نابودي،هشدار من بشما،خطر نزديك است،،فتحيه
This POMPUS POS Thinks he is a KING!!!
We don’t care about you any more you caused enough pain and hurt to our country
Go go Trump
Why didn’t he throw up gang signs?
FO SAMBO !!!!!!
Such a spoiled little sissy brat!