In what was an obvious attempt to forward his Marxist agenda, President Obama told Cuban leaders to go with “what works.”
He used this language when contrasting the differences between capitalism and communism, as if they are flavors of ice cream.
President Obama is trying one last time to push the world a little farther left before he finally wraps up his unfortunate tenure with a euphemistic speech.
Please see the next page for Obama’s embrace of communist policies.
He’s campaigning for the head of the NWO!
He would pimp out his own daughters for a vote
Such an$#%&!@*!
No there’s little difference between socialism and communism get it right
America is systematically being taken over and destroyed from within, and this is happening everyday right before our eyes. Our morals, values, and God given freedoms and rights are being assaulted or taken away with the stroke of a pen. The very men and women that we voted into leadership and gave the power to stop this assault — are betraying our trust on a daily basis. We trusted these people with our futures, our children’s futures, and our grandchildren’s futures, as well our the future of our once great and proud Nation. The failures by those voted into office to regulate or stop the actions of that mighty pen should be considered weak, cowardly, and pathetic — even Treasonous!!
The checks and balances that were built into our system of government by our founding fathers are being nullified and defied by a POTUS that believes his word should be Law. By his words and deeds he has proven that he is a believing and practicing member of a violent, archaic, and barbaric cult that masquerades as a peaceful religion, and he is determined to transform America and its people into such.
The abhorrent acts that are taking place daily in our schools with the mandated and forced indoctrination of our children about or into the cult known as Islam – MUST STOP!!!
Abraham Lincoln once said: ‘The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next’ – and we’re seeing that everyday as our government grows more Liberal and out of ‘We The People’s’ control. Ronald Reagan said that: ‘Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation from extinction. Its not ours by inheritance: it must be fought for and defended constantly be each generation, for it comes only once to a people. If not, one day we will have to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like to live in the United States where men were once free. Those who have known freedom and then lost it — have never known it again!!’
The opposite of anything you do or say is what I will do as a Christian!
Oh really? This fool attended college but learned nothing at all.
Hey morons! He’s talking to you.