Not satisfied with extending an olive branch to anti-American countries like Cuba and Iran, President Obama has reached out to yet another old enemy of the United States.
Although the Vietnam War ended decades ago, that bloody, brutal conflict left a generation of Americans traumatized both physically and mentally. Not only that, but the country suffered a symbolic defeat when the US was forced to evacuate hundreds of civilians as the North Vietnamese communists rolled into Saigon in 1975.
Today, however, the Obama administration has decided that that’s all in the past, and is ready to make nice with the regime in Hanoi. And not just to make nice: shocking even Americans who are not old enough to remember the war,
Obama has lifted a ban on selling weapons to Vietnam, something that will baffle and perhaps even outrage veterans of the war. After all, who would have ever guessed the communists they were fighting would one day be purchasing American weapons with the express permission of the president?
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Giving weapons to our enemy and on the other hand trying to take away the real Americans weapons. He is just so wrong.
billl oh so wrong ffs the mean is the emnbemy of usa
the man is a sunni moslim and u guys votred him in twice
That’s great, our gov, will sell arms to other Country’s, but leaves our people without arms to defend our Country. That’s BAD.
THIS is the MAIN REASON obama and the elitists WANT USA’S GUNS !!
The UNITED STATES of AMERICA,,,FREEDOM’S LAST STRONGHOLD,,,is SLATED FOR DESTRUCTION by the UN,,the NWO, and the GLOBAL ELITE because of our FREEDOM !!! ,,,,,,,,,,SLAVERY of the masses is their ULTIMATE GOAL !! Are you ready to defend FREEDOM and the USA UNTIL DEATH or are you ready to bow down on bended knee and become SLAVES ??…….. ~~~~~~~~~~~ I WONDER WHY THEY MUST HAVE OUR GUNS IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR TRUE GOALS !!
I agree impeachment now
What a traitor.
This man is insane!
Just one more treasonous act to add to his long list of treason. Obama is a enemy of the state.
#Trumpforthepeople! OnlyTrump… for President! S.E. Michigander YES I Campaigning/Volunteering and a Delegate for TRUMP, President of the United States of America 2016 TRUMP!!!