Speaking at the White House Rose Garden after the announcement by the Supreme Court of the decision on same-sex marriage, Obama stated that the progressives in society must to ‘help’ those with deep religious beliefs to overcome their convictions.
“Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”
By jove! I think you could be right about that
This $#%&!@* needs to be flushed!
and we all have to think like him?? I will p$#%&!@*
I wish someone could help him overcome his plan to destroy America, but there is no hope I just hope our next president will be able to bring our country back to being the country that it was before he took office ….
We must arrest O.
how about he overcomes his beliefs or at least go to a muslim country!
He needs to overcome his desperate need to impose his agenda on a whole country …. he needs to overcome the fact that this is a democratic country, he needs to overcome his need to be a tyrant, he needs to overcome that he is NOT above the law
Obamaro needs to know Muslims are offensive to Americans .they’ll be leaving soon ,,along with you
WRONG ANSWER , we need to deport you .