Speaking at the White House Rose Garden after the announcement by the Supreme Court of the decision on same-sex marriage, Obama stated that the progressives in society must to ‘help’ those with deep religious beliefs to overcome their convictions.
“Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”
a pillar of Islamic thinking.
we the people have the rights to think how ever we want to thats what makes the U S A what it is so p**s off you f**kin g moron
To educate the populous in facts instead of fairy tales is an outrage?? Really??
Birds of a feather, flock together.
You give up your socialistic Muslim beliefs first then we’ll talk!
Obama should overcome his beliefs, they are stupid and can not be cured.
We must help obumer overcome his depravity and evil deeds..and help you right out of Whitehouse..what an AH.
Out Idiot-in-chief speaks with fork tongue.
No mr. Obama. You stick to your beliefs and leave mine alone. It’s none of your business.