Speaking at the White House Rose Garden after the announcement by the Supreme Court of the decision on same-sex marriage, Obama stated that the progressives in society must to ‘help’ those with deep religious beliefs to overcome their convictions.
“Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”
Well said, Bill Catron.
Jim D Dyer, I think that is a wonderful idea.
I believe he’s a traitor.. Good luck getting me to change that belief.
I rembered in obama speeches how he kept telling us he is a christian! Now we know that he hates christian Barick Hussein Obama LIES just never stop
I pray that you may come into a relationship with GOD by repenting
Nothing can remove Jesus from the heart of a true christian. I go by testimony. And many others do. You can’t change that.
I guess he feels we need to believe his way, no thanks.
What reality does he live in?
Not going to happen
He has severe mental problems. His mental illness has gotten so bad,that he is not fit to run our country.