Thanks to open borders, a flood of African and Middle Eastern refugees, and a litany of financial issues, the European Union (EU) is in bad shape. Unemployment in countries such as Spain (23%) and Greece (>25%) have shifted a heavy burden onto the more financially responsible countries in the political and economic union of 28 nations.
Countries who have received bailouts, such as Italy and Greece, refuse to even abide by the terms of the financial assistance. Portugal recently elected a socialist government that actually encourages civil disobedience against austerity measures, and many fear that Spain is on the same path.
Parties on the right in several countries have gained support following the migrant crisis underway across the continent. After migrants — who refuse to even attempt to assimilate — have caused a host of problems, conservative leaders are beginning to take a stand against the free-flow of foreigners.
With all of these problems and a potential collapse of the entire union, it is no surprise the United Kingdom is strongly considering pulling out of the troubled alliance. This week, however, President Obama took it upon himself to be lecturer-in-chief to the British people and penned an op-ed in the Daily Telegraph, telling Britons why they should stay in the floundering EU. To read about President Obama’s — often bizarre — op-ed, continue reading on the next page:
He needs a penis shoved in his mouth so he will shut up and do what he does best! Suck!
He worried about his precious illegal refugees in the UK. He wants them to become the New World Order and it’s not going his way! Counting the days till he’s gone! Donald J. Trump for President!
As for the criminal Obama: We, legal law abiding citizens of The United States of America, are demanding the arrest and conviction of Barack Hussein Obama for High Treason, under Article 3 of the United States Constitution for aiding and giving comfort to our enemies… OBAMA FORGOT ABOUT THIS LAW …… Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration. The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by “force, violence, or other unconstitutional means.” This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House.Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic. All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life’s guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government. Now the political correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion. Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any “organization” that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited. To contact The White House or The United States Congress, Call this # 202-224-2341 Between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm EST. M-F. Be nice, tell them “Obama MUST BE arrested, convicted, and Impeached for High Treason”.
Scumbag describes him perfectly! He is a$#%&!@* matter of fact i took a$#%&!@*earlier and it looked like obama, maybe darker lol what a disgrace he is to america!
He is not supported by any Country, His opinion is Worthless !!
Who the hell is he to tell other countries what to do ?!?! He can’t ever take care of America
Shut up BHO. No one cares what you think
Denmark should leave the EU also