Thanks to open borders, a flood of African and Middle Eastern refugees, and a litany of financial issues, the European Union (EU) is in bad shape. Unemployment in countries such as Spain (23%) and Greece (>25%) have shifted a heavy burden onto the more financially responsible countries in the political and economic union of 28 nations.
Countries who have received bailouts, such as Italy and Greece, refuse to even abide by the terms of the financial assistance. Portugal recently elected a socialist government that actually encourages civil disobedience against austerity measures, and many fear that Spain is on the same path.
Parties on the right in several countries have gained support following the migrant crisis underway across the continent. After migrants — who refuse to even attempt to assimilate — have caused a host of problems, conservative leaders are beginning to take a stand against the free-flow of foreigners.
With all of these problems and a potential collapse of the entire union, it is no surprise the United Kingdom is strongly considering pulling out of the troubled alliance. This week, however, President Obama took it upon himself to be lecturer-in-chief to the British people and penned an op-ed in the Daily Telegraph, telling Britons why they should stay in the floundering EU. To read about President Obama’s — often bizarre — op-ed, continue reading on the next page:
Shut your pie hole, Presbo!
we never listen to you see youre usa you runied this mass invassion yours and youre useless wars and we out as its our kids lives and billions feeding them to harm us i not feeding the hand want harm me and shoot the bloody boats as fakes lies no names no id and hell satan we owe them nothing and we not race hate we welcome true migrants not this muslims that are sick in there bloody heads living in 14 century uneducated fools and demanding what they not intiled to and look the hell far right standing prove us eu and uk dont want them the world dont why satan hell and we not haveing it as its our lives amen mr obama nothing you say would change my view our schools falling down 6 billion pakie stan school i dont care pakie stand school many pakiestand worj jere they can found there bloody own nhs busted jobs sold over sea and now our soul our home our land never as eu is all isisi and soon hallween comes before summertime a time bomb and camerom better shut our doors as we dont want them amen
This Traitor to America shouldn’t be telling any other country anything!
Everybody should leave that Union they should have their own security the unknown forces they don’t need to depend on any other country for help that’s why the United States should do we should have a big enough military the final war in the Pacific in the Atlantic independent no damn body
America wants you and UN to leave
Hes stupid
heard the queen told him to $#%&!@*off”
He is a failure as President, why does he think the British will respect his opinion?
First thing that no one reports in this debate. When the USA was started and the Federal Government was formed that the USA was suppose to be a Constitutional Republic. Over the 250 years the Federal government has taken away the states SOVEREIGNTY. Which is what overtime the EU will take away UK SOVEREIGNTY.