Thanks to open borders, a flood of African and Middle Eastern refugees, and a litany of financial issues, the European Union (EU) is in bad shape. Unemployment in countries such as Spain (23%) and Greece (>25%) have shifted a heavy burden onto the more financially responsible countries in the political and economic union of 28 nations.
Countries who have received bailouts, such as Italy and Greece, refuse to even abide by the terms of the financial assistance. Portugal recently elected a socialist government that actually encourages civil disobedience against austerity measures, and many fear that Spain is on the same path.
Parties on the right in several countries have gained support following the migrant crisis underway across the continent. After migrants — who refuse to even attempt to assimilate — have caused a host of problems, conservative leaders are beginning to take a stand against the free-flow of foreigners.
With all of these problems and a potential collapse of the entire union, it is no surprise the United Kingdom is strongly considering pulling out of the troubled alliance. This week, however, President Obama took it upon himself to be lecturer-in-chief to the British people and penned an op-ed in the Daily Telegraph, telling Britons why they should stay in the floundering EU. To read about President Obama’s — often bizarre — op-ed, continue reading on the next page:
This narcissistic$#%&!@*just knows that everyone in the world is just to stupid to do anything on their own
not his business
SIT DOWN and STUT UP; NO Authority To LECTURE Anyone;
What an idiot.
And the Brits let him know it was not up to him if they chose to leave. Watched it and cheered for the Brits on that one. Americans don’t like it when another country tries to tell us what to do. And I would exactly call Obama an example of what America is. So go Brits do what’s best for your country.
He would make things worse !!
Indonesians SUCK!
They have awoken to the fact, they no longer with to be part of the NWO and want out, good for them!
how can he lecture anyone on anything when that cowards got his heads so far already up his own$#%&!@*breathin his own fumes.
what an ass