Three years after Obama announced that the war in Iraq is over the US military has begun air strikes to combat Islamic State, or ISIS violence against minority populations.
“Today I authorized two operations in Iraq,” Obama said, “targeted air strikes to protect our American personnel and a humanitarian effort to help save thousands of Iraqi civilians who are trapped on a mountain without food and water and facing almost certain death.”
The brotherhood will be pissed.
hukum alam : orang yang jago berkelahi dan pintar bicara serta materialistik biasanya kalau melihat ada orang lain bertengkar dimanapun dia bertemu, meskipun orang jago itu tidak kenal maka sukanya selalu ikut campur…………..betul ?
law of nature: people are good fighter and smart talk and materialistic usually if you see any other people fight wherever he met, even though the candidate was not known then the joy, always meddling ………….. right?
47:4. Apabila kamu bertemu dengan orang-orang kafir (di medan perang) maka potonglah batang leher mereka. Sehingga apabila kamu telah mengalahkan mereka maka sandera mereka dan sesudah itu kamu boleh membebaskan mereka atau menerima tebusan sampai perang berhenti. Demikianlah, apabila Allah menghendaki niscaya Allah akan membinasakan mereka tetapi Allah hendak menguji sebagian kamu dengan sebahagian yang lain. Dan orang-orang yang gugur pada jalan Allah, Allah tidak akan menyia-nyiakan amal mereka.
47: 4. If you meet the unbelievers (in battle) then cut their neck. Therefore, when you have overcome them their hostages and then after that you should release them or receive ransom until the war stops. Thus, if Allah wills He will destroy them, but God wanted to test some of you with friends one to another. And those who are slain in the way of Allah, Allah will not waste their charity.
==> jangan protes terhadap ayat di atas, kalau orang jago itu yang mendatangi tanah mereka, dan anehnya orang yang memancung justru malah dituduh teroris ?
do not protest against the paragraph above, if the person who came to champion their land, and strangely enough it actually decapitate people accused of terrorist?
padahal itu tanah mereka sendiri, padahal orang jago lainya (rusia, korea utara dll) tidak merasa sok jago
when it lands on their own, whereas the other candidate (russia, north korea etc) do not feel pretentious champion
jadi bagaimana menanggapi berita tentang seorang pejuang irak yang memusuhi assad dan disembelih oleh manusia bertopeng yang mengaku ISIS ?
so how to respond to news of a hostile fighter assad iraq and slaughtered by a masked man who claimed ISIS?
ya, saya yakin dia memang syahid, dia mati di tangan fitnah dajjal, bagaimana kalau besok saya memakai topeng lalu menyembelih orang dan mengaku orang amriki ? padahal saya beragama islam, bagaimana pendapat anda ? tenang saja nanti saya akan memakai topeng, dan dunia akan tahu bahwa amriki memang kejam dan seperti dajjal nantinya. bagaimana ?
yes, I am sure he is a martyr, he died at the hands of liars libel, what if tomorrow I wear a mask and slaughtered people and claimed the Amriki? when my religion Islam, what do you think? I’ll calm will wear masks, and the world will know that Amriki is cruel and like liars later. how?
sepertinya saya tahu jenis pakaian yang dipakai penyembelih itu, dia memakai pakaian amerika, dan wajahnya seperti bukan pejuang mujahidin, DUNIA TELAH TERTIPU OLEH FITNAH DAJJAL, tolong dipikir kembali
I seem to know the type of clothing worn butcher it, he wears American clothes, and his face as not mujahideen, THE WORLD HAS BEEN FOOLED BY SLANDER Dajjal, please think again
5:33. Sesungguhnya pembalasan terhadap orang-orang yang memerangi Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan membuat kerusakan di muka bumi, hanyalah mereka dibunuh atau disalib, atau dipotong tangan dan kaki mereka dengan bertimbal balik, atau dibuang dari negeri (tempat kediamannya). Yang demikian itu (sebagai) suatu penghinaan untuk mereka di dunia, dan di akhirat mereka beroleh siksaan yang besar,
5:33. The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is put to death or crucified or their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be removed from the country (place of residence). That is (a) an insult to them in the world, and in the hereafter they may be great tribulation,
well I don’t like this : oooh jesus (by the way, agama orang israel tetap yahudi, bukan)
well I don’t like this : oooh jesus (by the way, Israel remains Jewish religious people, is not it?
Amazed that after 10 years of effort …. This country can not pull together and defend itself….???? These events look so scripted….how many other atrocities are in the world … Why are we so consumed with Iraq?????
Didn’t Obama release members of ISIS?
Why not strike the place doing the killings.
skeptical of his motives…
I read an article that suggested the reason he is FINALLY doing as little as he is doing it to protect the Kerd controled oil fields so the won’t negotiate a contract with Russia and drop the American contract like a hot potato. Can’t say for sure if it’s true or not but it makes more sense to me than to believe he’s developed a conscience.
You $#%&!@*s ain’t happy with anything president Obama says or does so why should he listen to the likes of you.
^ get a grip hes a child killer. Period, so $#%&!@*ed up that people hate so much that britain usa israel can terrorise anyone they want and citizens blindly support them. Sick of this hell hole and the zombies on it