Obama and the DOJ are circumventing the 2nd amendment with a 2-prong approach:
– The FDIC has labeled gun retailers as ‘high risk’, which is prompting payment processors to not provide them services
– “Operation Choke Point“, which is an under-the-radar scheme where retailers the Obama admin doesn’t like gets its financing cut off.
“This administration has very clearly told the banking industry which customers they feel represent ‘reputational risk’ to do business with,” said Peter Weinstock, lawyer at Hunton & Williams LLP. “So financial institutions are reacting to this extraordinary enforcement arsenal by being ultra-conservative in who they do business with: Any companies that engage in any margin of risk as defined by this administration are being dropped.”
Rest assured, this administration will not stop until it has completely killed the Constitution, started a civil war, instituted martial law, or some combination of the above.
A Justice Department representative said the agency is conducting several investigations that aim to hold accountable banks “who are knowingly assisting fraudulent merchants who harm consumers.”
“We’re committed to ensuring that our efforts to combat fraud do not discourage or inhibit the lawful conduct of these honest merchants,” the Justice Department said in a May 7 blog post.
But gun retailers say their businesses are being targeted in the executive branch’s efforts:
• T.R. Liberti, owner and operator of Top Gun Firearms Training & Supply in Miami, has felt the sting firsthand. Last month, his local bank, BankUnited N.A., dumped his online business from its service.
An explanatory email from the bank said: “This letter in no way reflects any derogatory reasons for such action on your behalf. But rather one of industry. Unfortunately your company’s line of business is not commensurate with the industries we work with.”
• Black Rifle Armory in Henderson, Nevada, had its bank accounts frozen this month as the bank tried to determine whether any of Black Rifle’s online transactions were suspicious.
• In 2012, Bank of America suddenly dropped the 12-year account of McMillan Group International, a gun manufacturer in Phoenix, even though the company had a good credit history, the owner said. Gun parts maker American Spirit Arms in Scottsdale, Arizona, received similar treatment by Bank of America, the country’s largest banking institution.
“This seems to be happening with greater frequency and to many more dealers,” said Joe Sirochman, owner of American Spirit Arms. “At first, it was the bigger guys — gun parts manufacturers or high-profile retailers. Now the smaller mom-and-pop shops are being choked out, and they need their cash to buy inventory. Freezing their assets will put them out of business.”
Choking off access to banks
After McMillan Group owner Kelly McMillan publicized Bank of America’s action on his Facebook account, he found that thousands of small gun-shop owners across the country were in the same situation. Banks were either dropping them, freezing their accounts or refusing to process their online sales, so he opened a credit card processing company for the gun industry called McMillan Merchant Solutions.
“Four generations of my family have been in this industry. This is my way to give back,” said Mr. McMillan, adding that many of his customers were denied banking access because of the nature of their business. “This is an attempt by the federal government to keep people from buying guns and a way for them to combat the Second Amendment rights we have. It’s a covert way for them to control our right to manufacture guns and individuals to buy guns.”
The United States has 10,000 handgun homicides a year; Australia has about a dozen, Britain two dozen, and Canada 100
The ironic and tragic result was that those who kept a gun in the home (often for protection) were 2.7 times as likely to be murdered—nearly always a family member or a close acquaintance (Kellermann, 1997; Kellermann & others, 1993).
Another study found that the risk of suicide in homes with guns was 5 times as high as in homes without them (Taubes, 1992).
Compared with others of the same gender, age, and race, people who have guns at home were 41 percent as likely to be homicide victims and 3.4 times as likely to die of suicide (Wiebe, 2003).
Guns not only serve as aggression cues but also put psychological distance between aggressor and victim. As Milgram’s obedience studies taught us, remoteness from the victim facilitates cruelty. A knife can kill someone, but a knife attack requires a great deal more personal contact than pulling a trigger from a distance (Myers, 370).
The ironic and tragic result was that those who kept a gun in the home (often for protection) were 2.7 times as likely to be murdered—nearly always a family member or a close acquaintance (Kellermann, 1997; Kellermann & others, 1993).
Of course no one will want to believe this, it comes from real psychologists using scientific method and can be verified. But it goes against want you WANT to believe. So you will ignore real science, but believe far right radical obscure websites. Anyone want to take a guess who is behind this website?
Confirmation bias is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs.
Are you ready for Communism in the United States? Obama and some of our Senators and Representatives are.
Josef Stalin, former dictator of the USSR and murderer of 30 million people, infamously supported Gun control. Adolf Hitler supported gun control and murdered 7 million people. Chairman Mao suported gun control and was responsible for the death of 70 Million People. Guess where Kim Jong-il stood on Gun Control.
Nazi? In April, 1920, Hitler advocated that the party should change its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP). Hitler had always been hostile to socialist ideas, especially those that involved racial or sexual equality. However, socialism was a popular political philosophy in Germany after the First World War. This was reflected in the growth in the German Social Democrat Party (SDP), the largest political party in Germany. Hitler, therefore redefined socialism by placing the word ‘National’ before it. He claimed he was only in favour of equality for those who had “German blood.” Jews and other “aliens” would lose their rights of citizenship, and immigration of non-Germans should be brought to an end.
Probably only 50,000,000 or so Americans will have die to turn the United States into a Communist Country.
Obama and Biden and most of our current Senators and Representatives love Gun Control as much as Adolf Hitler did and hate your Human Rights and Freedoms as much as Adolf Hitler hated the thought of any Jew having Human Rights and Freedoms.
The guys who gave us the War on Terror, the NDAA, and every one of Obama’s horrible Laws and allowed Obama to write Executive Orders illegally that change laws written by our Legislative Branch and signed by our President are in office today. Elections are coming for these Senators and Representativaes. No Incumbents.
The horrible leaders who want Gun Control are always monsters.
Gun Control is murder.
Take the arms away from your citizens and you have complete control.
If you want to be for Gun Control, you join a list of some of the most monsterous dictators of the world.
In the United States, we should have the Freedom of Speech, the Freedom of Religion, and the Right to own a gun.
Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Eric Holder should be fired today.
Practically every thing our Senate, House, Judicial System, and Obama have done since 2008 is wrong and evil and hurts each citizen of the United States.
Obama and Biden should be charges with War Crimes for the stupid War on Terror and for their interference in Syria. They should all be fired, today. They should not be supporting and financing Terrorism today.
Our War on Terror and Obamacare are both wrong and stupid.
Our President loves Muslims and Terrorists. In Muslim nations womeen and children have no Human Rights or Freedoms.
Why did we give money and weapons to Iran and Egypt and the Drug Cartels? Why wasn’t Eric Holder fired for his lies?
Why are we supporting, financing and training Terrorists.
Why are we still committing War Crimes in Africa and the Middle East and wasting trillions of dollars to give the Terrorists the Media coverage, death and destruction they want?
Is every one in our Senate and House in Washington, DC an idiot?
It is not that we want isolationism, we want the parasites like Mitch McConnel, Nancy Pelosi, Boehner, Holder, Obama, Biden, Kerry, and the guys of our Admininstration, our current Senate, and our current House who want to change our Constitution to take away our basic Human Rights and Freedoms we should have from Birth because we are Free that are only documented in our Bill of Rights and given to us by our Creator because we are free men and women and not given to us by our rich, fat cat, useless paper pushers in Washington, DC. Obama and Biden love Gun Control and War more than Adolf Hitler ever did.
If those same parasites want to rewrite our Constitution they should feel free to rewrite any ammendments beginning at ammenent 11 as long as they do not attempt to take any of our Human Rights and Freedoms documented in the First 10 Amemdments to our Constitution.
The heads of every Federal Agency in the Untied States should be fired. Our EPA, IRS, and NSA are horribly corrupt and every one knows it.
The IRS should be completely shut down after working with Obama and Eric Holder, since 2008 the IRS has not been known for anything but corruption.
The NSA and CIA are for investigating. That should be their only function. The EPA is getting to be every bit as horrible and corrupt. The EPA enacted regulations that almost Ban Wood Stoves. Citizens in the United States are going to did because of the EPA’s new regulations. The EPA, like the IRS, NSA, and CIA sould only investigate. They have too much power. After working with Obama and Eric Holder the IRS is too corrupt to function. Any information they receive should be turned over to the intelligence agencies of the military branches or Interpol. The NSA and CIA should be stripped of any other power. They have proved they can not respect soverign borders, law, or human life.
Obama’s new and improved and unconstitutional Patriot Act, the NDAA, and the Cyber Security Bill should be repealed and burned.
Obama’s new and improved and unconstitutional Patriot Act, the NDAA, Obamacare, and the Cyber Security Bill were written to give the NSA and the other agencies inside the United States the same horrible power the NSA, CIA, and other agencies of the Untied States abuse all over the world with no respect for Human Rights, Civil Rights, law, soverign borders, or human life. If the NDAA was written to protect the Citizens of the United States they would have used it against the Boston Bomber, the other Terrorists we have had since 911, and against the Terrorists playing the Knock Out Game, whether they are black, white, or of another race. Lock them away for fifteen years using the NDAA, then review each case individually, using the NDAA as a guideline. Our Senators, our Representatives, and Obama wanted the NDAA, use it to protect Americans from Terrorists.
Elections are coming for our current Senators and Representatives.
The FEC, FDA, EPA, IRS, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Nationsl Endowment for Democracy should be shut down, today.
They do not understand we have the Human Rights and Freedoms documented in the Bill of Rights because we are Free Men and Women.
They are documented there so the rich good for nothing parasites in Washington, DC do not forget we have them. They have forgotten anyway.
They only listen to the Lobbyists they accecpt huge ammounts of money and favors from.
Vote all the bums out. If they are in office today they should be fired.
They have not done their jobs or kept their Oath of Office.
Americans died in Benghazi, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Barrack Obama lied, they lie today.
They are as guilty as Obama for our War Crimes and murders of civilians in Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, and Somilia.
They are responsible for our War on Terror and they almost had us bombing Syria based on the lies of Obama, our NSA, and our CIA.
They are also just as guilty as Obama and Biden for the deaths and destruction caused in Syria for our illegally interfering in the Civil War in Syria and for aiding the Al Qaeda and other Terrorists who have been involved in the Civil War in Syria. How can it be any of our buisness what is going on there? Syria is not a state of the United States and we are not the world police.
We should not be supporting, supplying, and training the Al Qaeda. What makes Obama’s Terrorist any different than any other Terrorist?
Vote all the rich good for nothing parasties of our Senate and House out, they have not kept their Oath of Office and they have not fired Obama and Eric Holder. Our Fire Fighters, Police, and our Military can keep their Oath of Office, why do our elected and appointed officials in Washington, DC refuse to keep their Oath of Office?
The United States, George Soros, and the Endowment for Democracy funded the violence in Crimea. Get on the Internet and Look it up.
The Sanctions against Russia are as stupid and wrong as Common Core Education, Obamacare, and our stupid War on Terror.
Vote them out, they have not fired Obama and Holder. They believed the lies of Susan Rice, Barrack Obama, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, and our Media.
Barrack Obama should be arrested for Treason.
Joe Biden, Eric Holder, John Kerry, and most of our Senators and Representatives in office today should be fired, or fired and arrested.
No Incumbents.
No Incumbents. Barrack Obama is still in office.
Welcome to Obama’s Police State.
If you want four more years of Obama, vote for Hillary “Obama” Clinton.
Why are our Federal Agencies becoming better equipped than our Military and our local police?
You know why.
Why do the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Homeland Security need so many weapons and so much Ammo ? They operate inside the United States, they need them to murder United States citizens for Obama.
Shut down the criminal organization they call DHS and give their equipment and weapons to the FBI.
Since when was it the job of our Department of Homeland Security to harass, intimidate, and arrest little old ladies at yard sales and flea markets?
Shut down the Department of Homeland Security.
Our current Senators and Representatives have not seen to it that Obama has been arrested for Treason and that Eric Holder has been fired.
Vote every one of them out.
Patriots and Conservatives care.
Liberals don’t care.
That is the difference.
No Incumbents.
They have not fired Barrack Obama and Eric Holder.
Vote every one of them out.
Shut down the DHS, FCC, FED, IRS, EPA, the Bureau of Land Management and every other agency that has worked with Harry Reid, Eric Holder, Joe Biden, and Barrack Obama and is too corrupt and criminal to continue to function as it was designed to protect and serve the citizens of the Untied States and not act like a Terrorist Organization.
Get out of the horrible monster we call the United Nations, they have no respect for Human Life, Human Rights, or Freedom, like Barrack Obama.
In Muslim nations women and children have the right to do as they are told and the freedom to be quiet.
This is what Obama’s Terrorists have done to Syria.
This is what the National Endowment and George Soros, the EU, and the United States created, supported, and financed the violence and Terrorism in the Ukraine for. They want to spread NATO and the United States War from Africa and the Middle East into Europe and Asia, for now. North and South America and the rest of the world comes later.
No Incumbents.
The United States and NATO are the bad guys in Syria, the bad guys in the rest of the Middle East, the bad guys in Africa, and they are the bad guys in Europe and Asia. NATO is nothing more than a War Machine and every nation in NATO should get out of NATO. NATO like the EU is a good idea gone horribly wrong.
Arrest Barrack Obama for Treason. Fire Holder, Kerry, Biden, and every one of Obama’s Appointees.
Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and Barrack Obama’s lies about Benghazi are Obstruction of Justice and Treason.
Shred every one of Obama’s Executive Orders.
No Incumbents.
Obama just needs to go away … far far away
This may shock you but the republican party takes advantage of poor people who are gullible in believing that the OTHER party (of course not them) is the big bad boogey man coming to strip them of their rights and freedoms while they do exactly just that when you are not looking. They have even created oligopolies so corporations have more power and say in your democracy than you do. Republican presidents have violated civil rights, been in favor of gun control and try hard to keep anyone in the middle class and poverty down, so they have no choice but to accept low wages so their corporate buddies gain more profit. If you think Obama is what is wrong with this country you have so much to learn!
Obama sucks
Time for us to Kill Obama through Financial Losses….