Obama is abolishing two highly successful U.S. Navy missile programs.
The Tomahawk missile is known as “the world’s most advanced cruise missile,” is set to be completely eliminated by 2016. And the highly effective Hellfire missiles will be eliminated in 2015.
we are falling fast…….
He is an ignorant S.O.B. who wants nothing more then to weaken the U.S. so it can be taken over by his muslim brothers.
This man needs impeached
really, whats wrong with this man? Pretty soon our forces will be fighting with steak knives
Why is he doing this? God help us
how about abolishing obama?
Obozo is stopping the United States from having the ability to DEFEND itself, either military or civilian wise. He’s trying to take our personal weapons , he’s stopped the “space Program, he’s cutting military retirement and disability, he’s cutting defense spending AND he’s cutting various programs like those mentioned above. He’s opened the U.S. /Mexican border allows Muslims into our country with NO SECURITY CHECKS then are whisked off to the White House. AMERICA IS IN DEEP TROUBLE. What is just as scary is the fact that, with all the Clintons have done AGAINST America there are STILL people that want to vote for her. I really and truly feel sorry for the mess this generation is leaving for the younger ones.
Obama is making the US defenseless!
why are we allowing this to happen?
This is treason. Were defenseless.