Obama is abolishing two highly successful U.S. Navy missile programs.
The Tomahawk missile is known as “the world’s most advanced cruise missile,” is set to be completely eliminated by 2016. And the highly effective Hellfire missiles will be eliminated in 2015.
why can’t they find a liberal with common sense. Maybe there are not any.
This traitor has got to go!!! He keeps weakening our military strength so our enemies can attack us. Impeach this traitor and try him for treason.
Why would he want to leave America in a weakened position..unless there are new weapons we are not being told about..?
People, we can’t let this man continue to destroy what it took so much blood, guts, lives, years to make great. Don’t stand by and let this rookie nut ruin all that made this nation great. He’s got to go!
put one in Washington first
Oh that is efficient!
This man is a total jackass. What the hell does he think he is doing? We have to have protection the idiot.
Not very damn far. This has got to stop, why won’t congress do it?
we really have a ass in the White House
He is disarming the united states and poisioning our country. He must be dealt with. He walked away from an agreed on missle shield in poland without even discussing it with them. He is cuttiing our military back so bad so he can p**s away more money on welfare and massive waste. CONGRESS MUST ignore his calls for surrendering us. These missle systems are needed to protect us unless they are replaced with something NUCLEAR to take their place in advance. History will not be kind to us as sheep watching obama lead us to slaughter by taking away every thinng that has kept us the only superpower and safe for decades. We are so close to the average american saying enough is enough and taking things into their own hands to stop the DEMON obama.