Obama is abolishing two highly successful U.S. Navy missile programs.
The Tomahawk missile is known as “the world’s most advanced cruise missile,” is set to be completely eliminated by 2016. And the highly effective Hellfire missiles will be eliminated in 2015.
Makes you wonder whose side he is on. 🙁
Get your Closet Muslim ass out of our country !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wake up, Americans…the fox is in the hen house…
This is a surprise, why?? This president has done everything he can do to weaken and destroy our country. Just look at his record of programs he has stopped. Look at the programs he supports. Nothing he does benefits this country or our people !!! I hope all the people that voted for him now realize what a mistake they made. And to think, shortly AFTER he was elected, took office he was awared the Peace Prize. I ask you all, what the hell did he do to deserve that??
No question whose side he’s on. He sides with the Muslims every time. Arrest him. Lock him up.
The citizens can not stop him, it needs to come from CONGRESS!!!!!!!
ok joint chiefs of staff time to stop this Muslim worshiper cant you see he is weakening us so it will be easier for them to take over America !!!! What the hell is going on why aren’t you all stopping him? Is it time for A revolution?
F**k Obama , it should be up to the Military Commander to use what ever he feels is necessary !!!!! Obama has never been in Military Situations !!!!!
He wants us defenseless to fight off his kind! TERRORIST!!!!!!