Obama is abolishing two highly successful U.S. Navy missile programs.
The Tomahawk missile is known as “the world’s most advanced cruise missile,” is set to be completely eliminated by 2016. And the highly effective Hellfire missiles will be eliminated in 2015.
To paraphrase Dick Cheney: Do you think “it’s time for them to go?” This is a National security issue, and possibly an existential one as well…
We need to use are resources wisely for the best possible protection for the United States of America. The Company’s that squander America’s resources & time need to be held accountable. Example: Sondon= located, tested, verify by third party to our Federal government that was to verify the third parties finding. What a lot of mistakes and accountability. What Companies got fined, what bonding Companies lost their bond and paid fines, what CEO’S went to Prison, what General lost their positions.
Disarm America and our enemies won’t have problem taking over our country what pisses me off is no one seem to want to do anything to stop him how much more does he have to do to this great country before someone stop him everything he does is a criminal act so you people in congress,get off your asses and do something before it to late start working together to stop this tyrant
Leave us defensless and give all our wepons to terrorists and disarm the citizens ….hmm what do you think will happen next
Is he out of his mind???
they need to get that damn islam communist out of there he has already ruined the u s of a my opinion only
He’s getting the U.S.A. ready for “HIS” invasion !!!
get rid oh obola before were all muslim serfs…
The time is NOW to bypass “O”. We cannot lay down like sheep while the wolf is tearing at our throats!
Goin to kill this nation along with it.