Obama is abolishing two highly successful U.S. Navy missile programs.
The Tomahawk missile is known as “the world’s most advanced cruise missile,” is set to be completely eliminated by 2016. And the highly effective Hellfire missiles will be eliminated in 2015.
We can take our country back from These left wing wackos who want to turn us into a Third World socialist nation
yeah if congress lets him…
yeah if congress lets him…
Why aren’t we in the Congo? Somalia? Yemen? That’s right. No resources. Oil is the enemy. Money breeds hate. Bring our troops home. Chalk this one up as another learning lesson. We didn’t win these wars. There was nothing to win. The taliban is proving that. They are stronger than us in Iraq, again. 10 years and we couldn’t instill freedom to those people. Maybe they don’t want it. Get our boys back home and out of harms way.
Obama destroying our country
Make sure you encourage everyone to get out and vote don’t sit at home like they did in the 2012 elections! Look what we ended up with!
we need to figure out how to stop this heratic trying to destroy this contry
get that idiot out of the white house nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww
We’re $#%&!@*ing broke as a country and you’re bitching about cutting funding to some of the most expensive, fairly useless modern day equipment.
This stuff needs to stop and now