Obama has ordered that the country take in 70,000 Islamic refugees. Of course, they are not going into his neighborhood…just yours. White House press secretary Josh Earnest said that the United States would “accept at least 10,000 refugees in the next fiscal year.” But wait, there’s more great news from John Kerry on the next page:
but people would rather let them go where? how can americans be so callous. so out of touch. these are human beings fleeing for their lives..millions of children…babies..elderly…pregnant women…men…women…have a HEART. humanity is lost..
Load your gun.
Obama nad another one of his ways of desroying our country.
Obama knows who they are
These idiot traitors probably would, too…
Don’t forget Hillary !
And you don’t think Isis is here already?
Send the s$#%&!@*bag packing
What the hell happened to just 10,000 what r they trying to do out due other countries now