Obama has ordered that the country take in 70,000 Islamic refugees. Of course, they are not going into his neighborhood…just yours. White House press secretary Josh Earnest said that the United States would “accept at least 10,000 refugees in the next fiscal year.” But wait, there’s more great news from John Kerry on the next page:
This is Treason.
Don’t need them here in this country. They are nothing but freeloaders and will just end up killing us. Thanks alot obama we know you hate us then why don’t you just leave this country.
Kill them all, they are nothing but terrorists
Time To Stop It.
Ha think?!?!?!?!?!?!
Huge mistake. Arm yourselves people
Will they all fit on the White House grounds?
no more there is no place for them and no job’s hereany more
And I vow to mow them down
Someone needs to stop this lunatic we have enough problems. him being the number one problem.